High score = Q
>You are playing a video game.
>How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
Layers upon layers…
>You are playing a video game.
Ha (x7)
>Keppler video tagged by Q today.
>The video is so laughably bad and that forced RA reference is even moreso out of place looking back today.
"Things that make you go hmm".
I asked Q last night about this on the main breads.
No answer, none expected.
Just putting it out there digitally.
Why link it twice?
Certain videos / digs are linked multiple times because we are missing the connections.
'The hybridization of humanity' song found within the video that will get Trump reelected, for instance.
So why link the 'Red Pilled the Storm' segment again?
Q posted more than one Matrix reference.
Comedy Central was attempting to ridicule this.
Why so much effort to go out of their way to include Ra?
It cannot be due to Q's early posts about Ra… they were distant and seemingly irrelevant to the rest of the material being presented.
Q's posts about Ra were unrelated to "living in the now".
>Why put so much attention into a so-called conspiracy? - Q
>Why is it critically important for them to change your opinion or prevent you from opening your mind? - Q
What about JFK Jr.?
Why is the JFK Jr. theme all over the MSM?
Did Q bait the clowns with drops, then intercept comm's that they were planning the R LARP?
>R they serious?
All to discredit the movement as crazy conspiracy theorists?
Why was Ra linked to this video?
What have I done, really?
We talk about ancient history.
Thinking for yourself?
BELIEVING in yourself?
What is different about this [M]ission than ALL of the other Q LARPs out there?
<Reality is a LARP.
All the Twitter LARPs?
All the Youtube channels?
All the social media?
You KNOW there is something different.
Have I ever asked you to follow me?
In the beginning I told you NOT to follow me.
Have I ever asked for a DIME?
Do I race to build a base of followers?
Do I LEAD you?
No… I am no leader.
You are ALL leaders.
You are ALL Superheroes.
No one is above another.
All things are left to your Free Will.
I ask no one to follow, but to stand beside me.
Stand just, and pure of heart… or don't stand with me at all.
>That grab has the "Avengers Film" listed.
>Why would they put that in there?
>Also, Ra in the center because that's the key to the damn matrix.
<You are making the right connections.
My best friend…
Many pieces move upon the chess board.
The gavel shifts, the stage has been set, and all EYES on.
I would strongly agree with your (1) year theory.
More than one Q post as well…
One of the things I love so much about you, is your power of BELIEF.
I agree, there are many coincidences. Some too Strange to overlook.
The truth is… 'if' I could see the future, and saw this man alive, then I would say that I believe otherwise.
You are the positive to my negative.
The (1) to my (0).
Always was, always will be.
What makes a movie GOOD anyway?
A GREAT twist at the end.
>The power of belief is everything.
>Time reveals ALL…
Q tested the Anons tonight.
I've captured all the evidence.
I won't post it on here, as Q requested for it not to be.
I was fishing for more connections… Horus / Priory of Sion etc.
>Things that make you go hmm.
You can review the posts.
This was given to me.
Be careful who you believe you're receiving private comms from.
Our tests never cease…
>Another test?
All things are a test.
The Q posts from last night are worth reviewing in the breads.
Private comms without tripcode planned for 'future'.
Now Eye know certain connections were given to those who choose see beyond the veil.
"Direct confirmations indeed."
>Be careful who you believe you're receiving private comms from.
>I did not see Q requesting it not be shared.
Many things go unseen.
It was never specifically forbidden to be shared 'here'.
>And you're certain it's Q team providing that information?
You passed the test.
Eye am certain of nothing, not (1) thing.
Only a few things I am 99% certain of.
>They mis-spelled Mobius. (Not being critical. Just an observation.)
I noticed this immediately as well, though the extra 'e' in the word is actually used in some iterations.
>The curving of the Priory of Sion icon around the top of the Fleur de lis flow into the infinite knotwork. in an implied torridal shape.
It's a contradiction isn't it?
It's best to go back to the breads from last night so you can have all of the context.
One of the oldfags on Q Research stated something to the effect of;
"No 'private comm's' as in outside of this platform" - This was the initial impression I get as well.
Otherwise, it is a test.
>Think you'll ever get the answer to "He is of rank and file…"?
For those who claim to have written such things.
For those who claim to 'save everything'.
There has not been a (You) linked to the original to prove.
"HUMINT is the best way to gain intel" - Trust must be earned, not given freely.
CIA/MOS attempting to gain TRUST.
I am 99% sure this was actually written by the Q team, or anonymous White Hats.
Just as the other voices who followed me originally on Q Research.
"Top 10 player here now" - Right after I made an Anon post with no name / avatar after being off Q Research for months.
Just as all the other "You are missing the connections" / "You are making the right connections" posts.
I've been guided… too many coincidences now to refuse.
We are being allowed to come to all discoveries organically, that is why the guidance has slowed down as of late.
We are making the right connections.
Now this is very interesting, and a testament to your Supreme Autism Superpowers.
It definitely makes one (W)onder, doesn't it.
So much confusion relating to the JFK Jr. scenario that played out.
My %'s have changed over time, but still clouded.
Side note, several requests have been sent via private comms.
Highly appreciated if actioned, the sooner the better.