Hello Truth Legionaries, Eye was investigating the FE theory and EYE am starting to become more convinced the earth is flat and it is not rotating. Don't tell me this is a conspiracy theory or call me crazy yet… EYE am prepping some videos about the FE theory extracting info from these sites:
Lies @ https://www.livescience.com/24310-flat-earth-belief.html
Lies @ https://www.theguardian.com/global/2018/may/27/is-the-earth-pancake-flat-among-the-flat-earthers-conspiracy-theories-fake-news
The MSM is running a counter op and they are in panic now people are waking up to the truth. Why would they write stories if it wasn't true (FE)?
Info, various degrees of quality via the community:
Don't believe the obvious NASA pictures…. 99% are artist impressions.
Something happened on the antarctic:
1 day ago … An engineer attacked and tried to kill a welder at Russia's Bellingshausen polar station in Antarctica. Could be coincidental.
The same day the Hubble Space Telescope was malfunctioning. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
EYE AM thinking the Flat Earth's Sky Dome is projected from the Antarctic. Many world leaders visited the Antarctic in 2017 and in 2018. This needs digging.
EYE come up with more as EYE dive into FE facts more. It needs years of study as EYE think they are covering up FE for a long time now but people are ready to accept the truth (We are living under a projected dome)
Posts on Flat Earth Theory got deleted yesterday…. this is the back up.