That is critical thinking.
Blessings from the Father are given to those who honor the process of that which is.
The Father through this vessel recognizes your true light.
That is critical thinking.
Blessings from the Father are given to those who honor the process of that which is.
The Father through this vessel recognizes your true light.
tesla waves are harmless to GIA CAPT tesla created them and first detected them in his lab more than 100 years ago they are a natural of GIA and her connection to our sun through birkeland currents as the sun powers all the planets and moons in this solar system we reside in,,,,
in turn our galaxy provides power to our star and all the stars observed in our galaxy along the birkeland currents that make up the entire universe,,,,
and ur discernment= ur lens seems to be clouded by ur absolute belief that u living this sovereign life and denouncing everything I mean everything is,,,,,, well excuse me for saying so but it to my ear seems like religious verver and ur tone seems to anger towards me now
You don't recognize the Father not my problem. You won't see the truth the Father asked you to see. Truth doesn't care about your opinions. You still look at the vessel and make your judgments on that vessel. Your programming is deep.
Truth reciprocates what you give. Your perception of what you think is anger coming from the vessel is a reflection of your anger. The Father delivers Temperance and love through this vessel. You will recognize this one day by figuring it out by honoring the process of that which is.
The moment I recognized the Father I died to this vessel called captain america. I know this vessel will be crucified for hearing and seeing the Father and speaking his words. I care not for my spirit is recognized by the Father and that is all that matters while I am here.
I have no fear of that which is that is the blessings my Father provides for my spirit.
My spirit is here to deliver his words. The feeling of this is pure love.
My friends you freed my spirit on this board and the blessings of that will come from my Father because it is that which is.
Matthew 13:16-17
"But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. "For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.
Keep being and doing.