Hmm…this seems familiar.
>Sorry fren silver or gold will not help you what's coming. Not even clothes are important for where you're going. It's the days of the lord. You must go out and stay on the move. Disinfo artists tell you the opposite they want you in the dark with your curtains closed and not be a witness.
>Sell all your assets, gold and silver now and go with the flow. Don't buy the story of the big banks about recession… saving and prepping is what they want. They will come after you soon and link you to conspiracy theorists. Nothing will happen and you will just miss out on life.
You're being a bit contradictory here. don't save & prep because nothing will happen? Think of it, if you have savings & prep, and nothing happens - so what? You'll have what you need and still do better than the rest.
Big banks want you saving [in their banks]. Of course they do. Look up 'negative interest'.
Assets, gold & silver are what those in the know are hoarding. So - be wise and do what you know is right, And be very low key about it.
Careful with this advice, anonfrens…consider the source and do not give up your stash.