>You are putting the puzzle together in a way that will help others map out even more.
@1016 AM my time
and then
14 Mar 2019 - 11:52:22 AM
14 Mar 2019 - 11:48:53 AM
Another piece to the puzzle.
it keeps habbein to me: I am willing to believe that this is just how our collective consciousness works, but spoopy. Until I have some IRL confirmation, I am taking ALL of this with a grain of salt. My friends and fam still think I am crazy, I am financial superstruggles still delusionally thinking about a Superman (prayers and light to him, please be safe, stay safe), am I ever actually going to understand my role? Holy Ghost, Batman? (prayers to him and ALL as well) or is this some crazy (but helpful for the GA and the whole of ALL) wishful thinking because based on years of precognitions, I believe my puzzle piece to be a bigger part of all of this….dunno…. but always lookin for qlues…
thanks frens,
this is quite a ride…
had a dream last night that the we all needed to "get inside" cuz the storm was coming….looked up and saw a vast deepblue grey sky with electrical inklings…..
stay safe! stay blessed.
stay in the LiGHT.
I love you.