Food4thots ID: dc33e4 Newb, trying to share crumbs with bakers Dec. 13, 2019, 5:53 p.m. No.13477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3478

Guys I'm new as stated. Not a hacker or autist but felt I needed to risk sharing this to see how you can bake with it.


Most have knowledge of the large Hadron collider and particle accelerator at CERN Switzerland.


Many thoughts and stories have been linked to the experiments there. Some blame the Mandella Effect on them. Some say its opened up portals to other dimensions.


Not many realize there is another such particle accelerator in Jordan. Really close to ISIS territories and the Golan Heights region. Mt. Hermon is there. Check the significance of Mt. Hermon in the book of Enoch and other scriptures. Now if I told you the name of it was Sesame and it's a joint venture between Israel, Palestine, Iran, and other muslim countries that hate Israel, would you have questions? Israel is saved for last? It's going to be biblical? Dark to Light? Satan/Lucifer is the light bearer and is worshiped by the top secret societies? Coincidence? What does Q say about coincidences? Please look further.


Please do not hack me, as I'm a newb and not a hacker or anon of substance. I just wanted this info in your hands to bake with.