It actually seemed pretty well explained to me. From the sounds of it you are looking for a fight or something akin to that? You wanted to know who was shit posting so you're trying to find one specific anon, are you not? What exactly are you trying to bring to the table here? What are you hoping to accomplish from all of this? This isn't an Irish bar in the 70's. I will give you one pointer that also tipped me off and that was this reply
>Allright, riddle me this. If no good aliens exist, then who is protecting Earth from being pillaged Combine-style?
Not only was this post out of place in context in to conversation taking place here, do you know how many times I've read that exact same sentence almost word for word thinking back through all those breads at Q research? Guess which camp it always seemed to come from? The same camp prompting steven greer and spamming the threads trying to convey to anons that there are no evil aliens. A lot of strange things line up, and I cannot help but think this is just some other prefabricated cockamamy bullshit conflict to make anons from TL look stupid. You also didnt answer anon if you were that same poster over there with 37 some odd posts. Since you are unhappy with the reply you got from the 19 year old NPC you can engage with me, though I'm not the one who posted over there. What are you trying to accomplish here friend when you finally out that dastardly dog shitposting at Q research? Best wishes.