Wow what an amazing story, thank you for sharing it! It occurs to me that your 'prophetic' feels are actually valuable information for you and your life's purpose. A map, if you will. Very cool.
I've recently come across some info that suggests that (((the special chosen))) are actually hosts. The much vaunted ayylmaos are naught but a DNA parasite, a worm so to speak, The origin story is designed because (((they))) cannot live without host humans. And the parasite can be driven out by things like fenbendazole. SO weird. I can hardly wrap my mind around it but, I think there is something to it.
Anyway, here is sauce, enjoy
One more thing, for you anon.
You are not alone, and you are amazing. Never surrender to those demons that whisper about how you'll never make it and your attempts to do good are no good. It's lies. Every attempt at doing right, at doing good, it counts and is counted. Every time you have a realization and adjust your attitude or actions accordingly, it counts. Do not fear missing the mark, only keep on shooting for it every single day.
You are loved. Fight on and never surrender!
Ahh I love this story WW! I have one of those tats as well. Was supposed to be Kanji for 'courage'. Later was told that it was also (or actually) Chinese for 'gallbladder' but as in "you got a lot of gall". Essentially, courageous. I really was relieved that it didn't mean retarded pony!
But it does suit me as I have always been outspoken about what I saw as grand scale fuckery. When I was young I would say shit to pompous people that would shock them. 'You have a lot of nerve' lol.
Thankfully I have learned to be more subtle over time, but I still keep the gall in my back pocket to use when needed. I just hope that I don't lose my nerve, when it's time to speak.