So good to be home! The garden is still strong.
Also, wouldn't be home without the glowing ones up to their old playbook. 1 would think that during the down time they would revise their strategy.
Aw well….
Much love all!
So good to be home! The garden is still strong.
Also, wouldn't be home without the glowing ones up to their old playbook. 1 would think that during the down time they would revise their strategy.
Aw well….
Much love all!
>But only one destination.
Is there? I do not know, but I sit with 2 general possibilities without an ability to determine.
1 is to return, become like, etc.
1 is to grow and expand the ALL.
The first would be a single destination.
The second a unknown destination.
When it all boils down, both follow a similar path to the individual, but the individuals mindset of the outcome is a bit different. Predetermination or not?
>This is of course speculative, because I am not (at least to my knowledge) there.
I Know nothing more than you my friend, simply a different perspective on speculative.
Much Love!
Very interesting these posts. The touch on several points discussed here in the past. Old is New er somethin like that.
>The reason for this is that I believe wealth can very easily make it appear from your perspective as if you are very successful.
Is wealth just money/gold? Many wrap themselves in themselves what they feel is 'successful/wealthy'. The richest, the most intelligent, the C|everest, the best family, best kids, most woke, most 'realized', best riter, best listener, most accomplished at X, most charitable, funniest, etc, etc.
Can 'success' in general corrupt? Is it the thing or the person that is the problem? Are rich people bad because they are rich? Can you generalize monetary wealth to categorize the person?
Have you ever looked at your carrot? Is it true or false…
>…. qualified with love or they can be misqualified with hate.
gah… Woo woo unqualified assumption based word salad.
Please prove that electrons can be stamped with anything. Nice story n all, but there is no way to prove any of it.
Choice to believe.
> (you) are the story teller
All of the words past my lips and keystrokes from my fingers are simply stories.
I take no issue with the electron and various states of it that can be observed and studied.
Lately I have taken issue with the individuals in supposed authority that do not know and yet they continue to spin complex good sounding stories that do not really help the people that are searching for something more. Can the author really know any of that that was written? No deep philosophy/nihilistic weird reality bend in my question. Logical simple critical thinking question. How does that person know? Do they speak like they know? Why?
So many people mislead with all the best intentions, some with not so good intentions. Many people looking and seeking, but is it all caterpillars telling other caterpillars how great it is to be a butterfly?
Hell, who am I misleading now?
Isn't skepticism required to begin deconstruction of the cultural structures you are arguing for?
So, is skepticism good when in line with your beliefs, but bad when it is against your beliefs? Calling someone out as a Skeptic Anon is a really weird step in the perspective you are pushing when you were also required to be a Skeptic Anon to reach your current perspective.
Did I read this circular logic incorrectly?
You used the phrase 'Skeptic Anon' as a tool to support your position. It was not a compliment or neutral in the original post, it was utilized in a negative manner to reinforce your point.
Now in this post, after I point out the contradiction, you pivot and say that is not what was intended. That is fine if it is not intended. I do not need to win here. Just pointing to what I saw as a dirty pool. Keep on rockin Lover or Skeptics!
I am not the anon you were arguing against on the so-called "Facts". Calling me out for sidestepping a conversation I am not having doesn't make sense.
Ok, whatever… lets play.
I have used psychedelics enough to be very familiar with many types, effects, and good/bad trips. I have learned much from them and they helped with some perception issues and have done some good in my life. They also misled at times and caused some negative effects.
Are those the worlds you are discussing? or are you saying a new plane of reality? Your interpretation of your trip is your interpretation. It is not proof or fact or anything to anyone but you. I take away what I did from mine and you take what you will from yours. I had trips that I consider deeply spiritual and foundational relevant to me at that time. However, it was my interpretation used on my path through this reality at that time. If I pull what I learned at that time in that context out of that context and force it as truth on someone who is on another path, that goes deeply counter to the way I view my role in this reality. Am I the chosen gatekeeper that tells everyone else the path?
The previous anon you had this discussion with very eloquently pointed out that you do not have any proof of any of this, but still push it. Psychedelics do not prove anything. What am I missing in my argument or am I just side-stepping again?
>I was just bored and felt like shit posting and stirring the pot.
Figured out who you were talking to eh? That was a quick disengagement. I find it interesting that your shit posting was in support of a Glowing One.
The Glowing One creates an opening for you to separate.
You take it.
Maybe I see your game, maybe I connect the dots only because of the optics and not intentions.
So, let's dig. Why is shit posting and stirring the pot with anon's who are working on their paths an entertaining thing for you Ant? A removal of boredom is done via entertainment. I believe you know better, so enlighten me.
Everything happens exactly the way it should. I replied to your post not taking the time to know it was you when I have not posted in a long long time here. The pattern of reality is pretty amazing.
Much Love! Can love be harsh and cold?
Gah… i want to punch you in the throat!
You post a bunch of stuff trying for a reaction, but 1 post to get you to go deeper into an action you took and you deflect and post a bumper sticker. Next you will pivot and tell me about love and acceptance….