Anonymous ID: 24abf6 July 17, 2020, 4 p.m. No.14802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4804 >>4807


My ultimate take away from all this was nothing means more to me than my Mrs. That and I needed another job badly. Picked one up that may not be as exciting as what the dream offered, but I get to keep my family and maybe do some meaningful good. It has settled my mind alot.





It's noteworthy I think that at every turn my compliance was required, or the saga could not continue. While intimidating as can possibly be, nothing was forced. They do not control anything. I find that reassuring moving forward.




I wrestle with my selfish motivations for doing good deeds all the time. I really seem to get off on the responses to hyper helpfulness, but I have decided to let myself slide on guilt for enjoying it so.


It feels good to do good, that's a win/win, why over complicated it. Do I hope someday karma will catch me back? Yup. Will I regret the effort if it doesn't? Nope.