The flashings are coming…
Nothing can stop this….
Much love to all.
The flashings are coming…
Nothing can stop this….
Much love to all.
"There is only one true lord which exists in this world, and none of us are he."
This statement contradicts what you just posted. Who are (You) to say this?
Do (You) believe in a superior external power?
Who is this lord that supposedly rules over me?
The Beloved is the only ruler I know and I AM not separate from the Beloved as it is within me.
Some Ram Dass for the appreciation of the whirlpool post.
"Make of yourself a light he said" and so you have.
I can see the Beloved in you as it is within me. It's so beautiful to feel your presence again… Much love Anon.
I always found it unusual that the word harvest was used… Like are we crops ready to be harvested? One harvests what one plants… Like planting idea's to suit one's needs. The law of one has never really sat well with me as I can see agendas in it.
My idea of a harvest would be to harvest within what I have planted like love, an ever abundant crop to be shared with others.
You wanted cold hard facts of another world, I told you to try pyshecdelics, you side stepped this and put it back on the law of one being crap. I don't give a shit about the law of one crap and any Anon that has done any inner work can discern for their own sake the validity of it.
Much love Skeptic Anon.
I never said being a skeptic was bad or good, in fact(because you like facts so much) I referenced one of the original skeptics (Terrance McKenna) whose work I hold in high regard. Your perception is your truth Anon I am not disputing that.
Your truth is yours Anon and I won't dispute it. Whatever your perception of me is, it matters not and I don't need to change it, just like whatever my perception of you matters not.
You be you.
Much love.
I was just bored and felt like shit posting and stirring the pot.
LOL, you must have me confused with someone who gives a shit what anybodies motives or agendas are. You see I know that all anons are superheroes and can use their own gnosis to discern for their own beings the Way up the mountain. Only (You) know your Way up the mountain.
I share the same thing with you as I did with the other Anon.
LOL, you must have me confused with someone who gives a shit what anybodies motives or agendas are. You see I know that all anons are superheroes and can use their own gnosis to discern for their own beings the Way up the mountain. Only (You) know your Way up the mountain.
Only you know where your Beloved is.
I walk with you, much love.
ALL I can do is walk with you in all of my (IM)perfections as I deconstruct all that I know.
Much love Anon.
Do I know better… Do I second guess what I do…do I doubt my path…
"Everything happens exactly the way it should. I replied to your post not taking the time to know it was you when I have not posted in a long long time here. The pattern of reality is pretty amazing."
I am grateful for any hand up the mountain of wisdom.
Much love Anon.
I walk with all superheroes "hot or cold" and by my own free will and choice I acknowledge the ring of knowledge within every hero.
My love is unconditional and the first step was for me was to open in to it.
Kind of obvious from time dates what is the east coast and the west coast in the response or reaction of everything posted.
Plants are like humans…plants grow within their own knowing… All I can do is provide the living soil of the garden diversity within for those that want to blossom.
Contrast provides the looking glass to within.
"(You) are watching a movie"
"What makes a good movie"
Know thy Self to know your role.
Peace be with you as it is within me.
The separation is within you… Can you love unconditionally?
Can you love All that is.
I shit post and stir the pot because I can Silver… Does that make me any less than you?
What is duality… What is contrast…. What is diversity…
What is the Beloved?
How would you know what you are (pure love) if you did not have contrast in your life.
Why are you here…?
Pic for humor.