Anonymous ID: 35744c May 11, 2020, 6:07 p.m. No.14394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4395



> They're just all focused on metters of personal interest rather than trying to effect the world.


So….in other news….getting some hair sheep for the ol' homestead. Practice up my shepherd act legit.



I am glad you shared.



>It works for me


A fine journey we are on together.




Decided as with most things, finding a balance seems preferable to the all or nothing approach I find so comfortable.


Lotta talk about video games, ever just reset after the first corner when you are looking for the "perfect run"? That doesn't translate for shit into reality. Just saying. If I find a deeper meaning to wreckfest I'll let you know, but for now I am contented with it being the funnest shit ever.

So sick of us vs them garbage. Me vs everyone feels less exhausting somehow. Is me vs no one such a tall odrer?