Anonymous ID: 56011b May 13, 2020, 10:01 a.m. No.14404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4405 >>4450



Right now I am reading

Return of the Dove

by Margaret Storm.


This adventure the last few years has turned me into quite the info absorber and my quick witted gen X easily bored attitude has thrived, and my carefully cultivated since my hyper childhood focus has (for better or worse) deteriorated …. there is just so much to keep up with in this information war- I have somewhat lost the ability to sit down with one good book and read it without distraction…

this book is helping me to reclaim that

but funny enough in the middle of reading it, i will think, oh geez…I have to share this on the breads.. this is one such passage that reminded me to share with you.


BTW, Logan I read this post of yours ( such a beautiful peace of writing) to a friend that is going thru it right now. For those that are unaware of the BIG changes coming, it can be very mentally jarring..she went pretty dark (her girlfriend was convinced it was a demonic possession) and we had to do some healing with her. Reading this to her helped. so Thanks!!


KEK and funny enough just noticed there are 3 women helping each other in this meme…dropped at the same time all that was happening…


ooph since this just turned into a novel in itself I will write the book passage in the next post



Anonymous ID: 56011b May 13, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.14405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4406 >>4418



What is this true human freedom which we are seeking? Freedom for man comes to him as a result of his using God-free energy in its natural free way. God energy in its pure form flows into man heartbeat by heartbeat. As the pure electrons are released by the sacred three- fold Flame within the heart, they enter the bloodstream. As they enter they are immediately qualified or stamped with the pattern of the individual. They can be qualified with love or they can be misqualified with hate.


In other words, the electrons, which provide all the power, can be used to carry out loving deeds, to think loving thoughts, to speak loving words. Or they can be used in an opposite manner, depending upon the choice we make through the use of our free will.


When man misuses this electronic power in performing hateful acts, he misqualifies the energy. In other words he leaves his stamp of imperfection upon millions of electrons that flow into his bloodstream . This energy is God-energy and as such it must obey the free-will of man for man is God-created as a free being. When man chooses to enslave this free and pure energy, so that it will so his bidding and supply him with power to carry outsome questionable enterprise, he thereby enslaves himself.


If his electrons and atoms are revolving slowly, he is not only subject to disease, but he is subject to ugly delusions such as death. He begins to feel old age creeping on and in his limited understanding, he assumes that death is not that far away. He feels fearful, bereft and alone. He cannot understand who he is or why he is here; he has no purpose in accord with the Divine Plan; he is , in short, a materialist, weighed down by his own burdens of hate which he carries right within his own actions.


He tends to be separative in relation to his God and his fellow men because he is usually quite charmed by the amount of astral debris he has accumulated in his atomic structure. The weight of the misqualified energy he is using places hum under the delusion that the rioting force within gives him power. He throws his weight around. Her likes to give orders; put people in the place; clamp down on this situation or that; and in general act like a big-shot.


The individual who is not separated from his Source by this barrier of astral debris within his four lower bodies, seeks to become a co-worker with that Source. He daily works with the Rays and the Flames; he forms a close friendship with the seven great Elohim who built this planet, and with the seven almighty Archangels and their angelic hosts who guard the planet and aid all persons who ask for angelic assistance.


He reasons that if the Elohim constructed the planet then he must come to an understanding with these mighty builders; he must try and learn Their techniques; he must try to follow their way. Their way is the way of Love. Therefore, his way must be the way of Love.

Anonymous ID: 56011b May 13, 2020, 1:58 p.m. No.14409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4413



>If the weakest version of yourself can weather that attack, there is nothing that can possibly stop you.

>Seek out this character, do everything you can to assist them in their journey. In turn god will seek you out and strive to lift you up.


(you) are both slave and master. Be the Master (total control) of the slave and the slave (of service) to that Master and win.



Anonymous ID: 56011b May 15, 2020, 10:15 a.m. No.14426   🗄️.is 🔗kun





thanks for the science angle!


This woman Margret Storm was connected to Tesla.

Tesla said "everything is the light"

and (paraphrase) the little photons are his friends and help him.


In this book she is talking about how that year in 195something….we would be very close to the Great Awakening…


Obviously it is taking moar time but

>Timelines Change


Also it seems there has been a concerted effort on the side of the baddies to decrease our population and efforts at awakening… to fuck with our hearts that are connected to all…


they could delay…but



so there is that side of the "story"

have faith, my fren.