bon jour frenchie
I just woke up and am having covfefe so I will give it a go…
keep in mind, though I have been on this Q adventure somewhat obsessively since Feb 18, that doesn't warrant me any authority, because as you also recognize, there is so much info, it can be a lot to sort through. I make mistakes or get overexcited about a lot of leads, but as I like to remember, info can be gleaned from everywhere…and all information (even misinformation) is LIGHT. Connecting thought dots is like connecting an electric grid of awareness. Recognizing the patterns from many sources starts to create a larger view.
>Where do I get started?
What ever sparks your interest. There are many of us, and according to a recent Q drop (4426), we are growing by the second. It seems to me one of the most beautiful paradoxes that our Creator set up for us is that though we are all made from the same source, and we are all unique based on perspective, experience, soul make-up and we can use this to our advantage, each of us a piece of the puzzle.
>Im completely lost, has someone made a recap?
kind of…Have you seen the Q Map? It may not be exactly accurate or even complete, but it is an incredible feat, props to the maker.
Is there even such a thing as accuracy, when it may be that what we are dealing with here is a temporal war that creates glitches in time/space like the Mandela effect anyway?
I have been wondering about why Q has been dropping some "mistakes" or misinfo lately…and what I wonder is, if that is just to get an awareness around the possibility … as all info, even misinfo, is necessary…
I can't even begin to wrap my mind around the memeatic and information warfare that it takes to take down this death cult that has had its grips on this world for an eon… and I wonder if Q even can…and that is where we, the anons, come in (and the looking glass and Quantum computing) All of our minds working together through time and space to make connections… its really exciting, no!?
>how come those high figures care so much about symbolism ?
A few reasons.
It is a way for them to recognize each other through out time and distance.
They believe in karma and think that if they show us "sheep" what they are doing (no matter how subversive), and we do nothing, that we get the fate that we deserve, and that their karma will be less harsh because they "hid the truth in plain sight"
Also everything, ultimately is symbolism, how our minds take in and understand the world at the most basic level is through symbols- numbers, letters, language etc.
They used this knowledge against us. They inverted everything to make our subconscious confused. An example of this is the ancient sanskrit symbol that became the nazi symbol. They did this with most everything
Up is down. Left is right.
>Do they realize it's what will kill them ?
Arrogance and stupidity
>Is qmap ap "trustable"?
the titles are made up by the maker and may be inaccurate to the drops, but from what I have seen they are accurate as far as they are the same as what Q posts on the kun
as far as I know, the general consensus is that this is more about the election, China did some fuckery, and numbers are fudged. also HCQ+ is the cure for the common cold (and moar) and that is being suppressed. But I would recommend typing in Covid-19 or HCQ into the search and read for yourself.
>Q's goal:
rouse the sleeping sheepy consciousness with information
>Trumps goal:
MAGA leads to MEGA
>What do?
Think for yourself
Trust yourself
Make connections
make and/or share Memes
Lights On.
Do what you can to "red pill" but keep yourself safe, sane and don't fall into the trap of us vs them.
I have noticed sometimes when I try and "red pill" people around me (No one I know knows any of this, and they are all fully asleep and full of confusion, anger at Trump, at climate change… etc, very indoctrinated)
If I just take the other side of the argument, nothing is solved …the fuckers that created this division with psy warfare did a pretty good job I will give them that…
this is why Q used the socratic method.
It is very effective.
Hope this helps!