I should attempt to clarify my thoughts. This is not directed at anyone or anything so please don't edit yourself into this post. Maybe this will help others on their own path. That is the only intention going on here. (Trying to explain has always attracted ______(insert emotions here). Sometimes its a good thing for growth Sometimes this topic is difficult for some to discuss. We are all here to learn and figure this out so ….here goes.
This area of the climb is so challenging because up is down. Left is right etc… Completely opposite of what I once believed. I have found in my personal experience I have to sit with everything to observe, reflect, and contemplate in search for what real is. I ride the wave. Back to front , past to future, and future to past. Where it seems the crest of the wave, the present moment is what is actually real. A spot before thought. Where all thoughts arise from nothing.
Our existence in this world is very special and extremely beautiful in whatever direction you look. I wonder if that's what Q refers to as those with the eyes to see. Even in the darkness beauty still exists. Everyone does have their opinion and their own perception of the elephant. I decided to challenge that theory a long time ago to see what would happen. I found something on this search. It was incredibly profound and now its just where to go because it is, love, it joy, and it is peace. Just waiting to be tapped into. We are all giving our opinion (where ever it may have come from) of our perception of the field of consciousness. With that idea in mind I went about the business of flipping that notion on its head. I realized we are the field of consciousness. We are all the field of consciousness. It appears to be the core of our connectivity. Even If you realize it or not. We do this all day long. This is where the brainwash comes into view with clarity. Many other things become clear as well. Like observing another persons actions, and almost everything are based on a false beliefs. The very foundation of our thoughts are compromised. Observing a post, MSM media, The observations and reactions to the MSM. When I see and observe these things I feel, sense it is not genuine, and feels completely synthetic. I have no reaction other than compassion for the people I love (I'm referring to everyone and all things) because the lie we base everything on is so apparent. Maybe that's what we are all working towards in a new universal consciousness based on truth. (POTUS had some recent statements that seemed to eluded to opening that particular door. I found this to be interesting timing.) Empathy helps with this vision because I actually feel what is true and not so true and it is definitely darkness with the absence of light or varying levels. We are the light that reveals what is in the darkness.
The mind is a terrible tool for discernment I have found. Logic, analysis are really great features of our quantum computer brains however it is very limited in some aspects. The body is the ultimate sensor to at least meter strength or weakness in the field. (the varying levels of truth) Maybe a good descriptor word would be "gut feeling' about a given reflection or observation. The heart and body have not failed in this approach.
To me the only real important thing is our own light reflecting our world….hopefully for the better With our intention balancing everything else.
I find much of what I observe and what we are all perceiving as irrelevant. A tiny aspect of our world that gets all of our attention. The phone, the TV, the media, One faction fighting another faction in the name of ___ (insert word here.) There are so many words and thoughts used to divert from where the real action is at….within. (: We have all been brainwashed. Manipulated. (Its impressive how well its has been done.) Even if you don't believe that statement you have been brainwashed into thinking that you are not brainwashed. (: I am not an expert. I don't know everything. In fact I don't know anything. I am constantly reminded of that fact as I cruise along the path. I am very happy to have all of you to share my thoughts, observations and experience. Maybe I got it all wrong….I usually do and I attempt to learn. (: So thank you heroes for your insight. I so look forward to seeing you all in the forest. This is one of my favorite places to sit.
Make of yourself a light he said.
….and so we do