Awesome quote.
The hermit out of hiding, picks shards of broken glass. From fields where grandkids in a dream had played in fresh mown grass.
But all around is caos, a broken man alone. Remembering years so long past by, when family called it home.
Some things needed repairing; conversation was my price. To be honest feeling useful was itself the nicest nice.
Then some time in this man cried out " Oh, how you've changed my life. I really want to do something to help you, your kids and wife.
Please take my extra auto, if you won't take a check. Have this guitar, it's beutiful and has a decent neck."
These gestures made me happy, and for both I had a need. But nothing could prepare me for the signing of a deed.
"I sure could use neighbor, so I'll tell you what I'll do. Take half this piece of land right here, and build something for you.
The survey was done last Wednesday. We hope to sign papers next week. I believe that a miracle's happened, and it's all since I stopped being meek.
It started with paths through a Forrest, so an old man could go hoveround. It all was done for the joy of the doing, now somehow we own a campground.
Of course I still have to find it, it's hid by a mountain of brush. I know it's in there, so i do not despair, as ticks swarm on me in my rush.
I see it clear in my mind's eye, just waiting on me to exist. Empirically friends, it seems to work out, if I focus on good and persist.