Thank you! I feel the same about you and all the other heroes of TL. Is the flood inbound? I am literally blown away by Q's last drop. Is TL the next chapter? Took a bit for QR to light up but it got picked up after a few connections. Too many coincidences to document today.
Qpost #3834
Re: Frequency and Vibration
This is Yuuuge! Not only Treason but were talking about connecting MKultra, 5G other tech designed to manipulate humans. Incredible this is hitting. I wonder how long it will take for others to start making the connections.
The Committee on Finance and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs ("the committees") are reviewing potential conflicts of interest posed by the business activities of Hunter Biden and his associates during the Obama administration, particularly with respect to his business activities in Ukraine and China. In addition to several letters that the committees have sent to other agencies as part of that inquiry, 1 the Committee on Finance also has written to the Department of Treasury regarding potential conflicts of interest in the Obama-era CFIUS- approved transaction which gave control of Henniges, an American maker of anti-vibration technologies with military applications, to a Chinese government-oWfled aviation company and China-based investment firm with established ties to the Chinese government. That transaction included Rosemont Seneca Partners, a company formed in 2009 by Hunter Biden, Christopher Heinz, and others.
If you wish to understand the Universe think of energy, frequency and vibration
–Nikola Tesla