I deleted all the John Pratt spam
so that post disappeared…
not sure what it was but if you mean
agency bad guy wizards…
makes sense.
…I had an experience when I was about 25, where I "remembered" who I was in another life..
she was a famous singer, which lends credence to the probability that it was my imagination/rock star fantasy matrix program.
But the coincidences and parallels between my life and hers were uncanny.
There is a part of me that believes I have been destined to "Be a voice" for whatever we are doing right here and now in this time of apocalyptical revelations (hasn't happened yet- I am still just a random anon, so again, it may be another delusion). At that time I had felt there was a curse on me. No matter how much I had in my mind and heart that wanted to break free creatively… I was was totally stuck and stagnant, my throat chakra blocked. I felt like if I couldn't break free and sing my soul song, that I would die. When I had the memories flood in about that last life time, and I remembered being a singer…something shifted and I finally found my voice. I could sing, in key (cuz not really before), I could finally "free style" and I started writing and recording tons of songs.
Sometimes when it comes to famous people (because I have also felt like I was Mary magdeline)… that there is some kind of "soul split" that can happen, so that many souls can understand that very important lifetime. When you are famous, you have so many eyes on you, so many projections, so many angles of the akashic records that can be recorded.
ALSO, if we really getting quantum here, and all time is NOW, then reincarnation is merely an illusion of the souls imagination? One meditation I like to do is to bring awareness to all the "me's" that there have ever been throughout time and space and just do a little respectful bow and acknowledgement.
Whether reincarnation is real or not, the idea that I was this singer, helped me to break through some shit in this life. And that is real.
Maybe the idea of reincarnation and many selves and quantum reality can maybe help us with the selfless/selfish equation some how.
If we really are many in one, then I am another you. So when you take care of yourself, you also take care of me. When you take care of others, you also take care of yourself (which is why doing things for others warrants the all the feelz)
>Muh service to others muh worry muh doubt muh soul cant ass end muh reincarnation muh worry muh doubt muh fear of death muh fear of repeating earth life muh missed muh chances to tongue fuck higher density pleidian bitches muh stuck here again muh loosh.
sounds about right though..
and wouldnt in the grand scheme of things…
there be some kinds of break in that cycle?
seems like there SHOULD be anyway..
a friend of mine just told me about the Q'ero, a tribe out of Peru, she studied with them a few years ago and they talked of the "flash".
I tend to lean into native oral tradition as more possible truths…especially seeing as though, they are not alone in the prophecy of a golden age shift end of time new age of reality habbenin…