Enjoy the magic!
>Quantum Cryptography
This lit me up no doubt! Cool to get some insight into what exactly we are dealing with here as far as coding and the info war. When I think of these parties or particles as us and how we are in interpersonal relationships and how our quantum consciousness is being affected by Q info dumps and the Great Awakening, it gets spoopy.
So many interesting parallels, one being with the movie Inception
>If Eve tries to learn information about the key being established, discrepancies will arise causing Alice and Bob to notice
Just been experiencing/playing with this in dreams and winning :)
(Basically got all the zombies in somebody else's dreamworld to start singing and "wake up" kek)
Also found a chuckle in reading this
>Unlike quantum key distribution, quantum coin flipping is a protocol that is used between two participants who do not trust each other.
and then to have the Caucus last night with the coin flip fiasco- lol!!
Thank you for passing it on!
here is a funny spoof POTUS Speech as a trade :)
Very Strange indeed.
waaaaaaay back before this adventure started (2015) I had a dream where I put Tuesday the 17th on my calendar….it was the very first dream recorded in that book where much of this adventure was foretold… including the one where this wonder woman avatar became a thing …anyways…
>Time will tell
Hoping to ride some waves with this guy someday….Field Trip!!!
Enjoy the SOTU my frens! pic related
I thought that was you on the main breads…
anon was putting together a dig on frequency and the border wall…
the idea of how important resonance is and how
much it has been manipulated is spreading through our hivemind! we are taking it back!