Great! Now that there's a new thread here is the text of a message that I posted earlier in the movie thread, cleaned up a bit too due to quite a few errors the first time (sorry, I'm new here and still learning how you do things). I have lots more to follow.
(1/2)First off, I want it to be clear that I've only occasionally lurked here and never posted, so I'm not really aware of what generally gets discussed here. Thing is, that's half the reason I'm actually leaving this message: One of the strangest recurring experiences I've noticed is that no matter what strange or improbable ideas I come up with I seem to inevitably find other people talking about similar (often the exact same) ideas elsewhere. So once again I stumble into this thread on a website I almost never visit and I'm seeing people discussing ideas I'm intimately familiar with. Notably, some of these ideas are things I've explicitly avoided giving voice to in any situation including private settings, partially because some aren't complete ideas and partially because exploring them necessitates being absolutely certain there is no possible way any bad (or oblivious) actors might have gotten the idea from me. I've reached the point though, where frankly I'd love to have a sit down chat with someone who has the means and the motive to actually chase me down, so here goes a hail mary.
Consider how people understood the world around them at the dawn of civilization, and how we got from there to here.
At first we knew nothing about the world around us and how it worked, so people credited the various phenomena they experienced to the works of the capricious Titans, personifying them.
Some time later someone got the notion that the elemental forces could be understood, and the relationships between these forces that they discovered were personified as Gods, usurping the Titan's reign over all things. Those people who were first to discover these relationships gained an obvious advantage over those who still knew nothing but the Titan's mercy. They used this advantage to dominate through the natural law of survival of the fittest, and thus claimed a divine right the rule granted to them by the Gods.
For a long time, worship of the Gods was strictly the domain of the wealthy elite. Eventually though, someone discovered what they believed to be one central, unifying force that stood above all other Gods, and the concept of an Almighty God was born. This concept is:
Whomever it is that happens to stand at the very top of the world, who understands the relationships between forces better than anyone else, will hold the power to manipulate all other people with a lesser understanding of these relationships. This person will be in de facto control of all things that humans can own, save one. The only thing this person can not claim through divine right is other people: they can dominate and claim people's bodies but in doing so they erase the unique person, replacing it instead with their own idea of what that person should be, and they would find themselves with nothing but a hollow doll. Thus this person's only unfulfilled desire is obtained by refraining from asserting this dominance and allowing others to have free will.