Have I mentioned how much I love you heroes lately? You are by far the best part of my day.
Its amazing how this all "works". I love riding the waves with ALL of you.
No matter how many times I watch it "happen" every day I still find myself in amazement with my jaw on the floor. I hope that never changes. The more I learn the less I know. So I hope my amazement remains constant and infinite. Its fun to play.
So this woke me up in the middle of the night last night. I wrote it down. Fell back to sleep and had some wild dreams, thot I would share.
What makes a great movie?
What makes a great psyop?
Does Every thought matter?
Do thoughts collapse and manifest as matter? Material, Reality?
Does every thought preseed all experience? Spelling is very intentional in this instance.
You can tell a person all day long the system is rigged, corrupt and totally manipulated but you can't flip the switch or force them to believe anything. I find living by example is challenging for the sleepels disrupts their frequencies and creates an anomaly. They still can't figure it out because it diverts from the known pattern. It seems to create an uneasiness like an addict not getting their fix. Its uncomfortable to watch me flow with a dynamic focus.
You can't really convince anyone of anything until they observe, experience and believe it for themselves. Its just a thought.
Drip Drop Drip Drop Drip Drop
Watch that water slowly give way to a flood of knowledge. Wisdom. The heroes carry it not even knowing the context of the content. Dark to light.
Watching the movie we can only enjoy the show until the rest catch up with the true story. Until they have the experience and observe see it with their own eyes. Power being the truth and lies/manipulation the force attempting to move a mountains. Its simply impossible. Nothing will stop whats coming.
Timing is everything.
Its amazing to watch this movie from the front row.
The [D] party con. The MSM con. The end of the hidden rulers broadcasting disruptive frequencies and vibration manipulating the innocent.
The good news, We are watching the end of the [D] party
Its getting hilarious. Didn't know this movie was going to be comedy.
Numbers don't lie.
How can you have more votes than registered voters? They are stupid.
Qurious isn't it?
Timing is everything.
We already have everything.
Its going to be glorious
Its going to be biblical. Like the flood?
Playing in the game that's not a game you have the opportunity to make any move you want. The construct allows all intention to move about the cabin freely. By our very will all choices and intention are yours and yours alone to follow on your path. Everything is allowed. Focused intention the source presents the Iqlusion. (intentional sp) The more I learn the less I know. The more I learn the more I want to play.
Follow your heart regardless where it guides you, There is always something important there.
Frequency and vibration
Everything vibrates at a "particular" frequency
That same vibration frequency when it is turned up starts to shake until it can't maintain its material form. Tesla's device proved this before anyone else. Galloping Gurdy demonstrated the power.
What happens when we turn up the volume of our own frequency? This one question consumes my day.
They will come back here to find what they missed.
Much love heroes.