(: Its so good do hear your voice again! Seem to just see glimpses these days as we cross paths in the breads. I have been wanting to get back to you for a couple weeks now. Sorry for the delay. It takes me a while to digest our conversations sometimes. It is what it is I guess. With all the revelations lately time has been challenging me.
After reading that post again, I still don’t really feel I like captured anything. I am really not that great at translating what comes through. I have been very fortunate however. Meeting people like you, WW, Siliver, Luck and the other heroes / anons. The incredible teachers I have met on the path that are so amazing at describing something so incredible. Its beautiful how it is received and so simply seems to flow through my brilliant teachers. Is it the letting go…just allowing it to happen? No clue? So many questions on that one. You all make it seem so easy.
Yes my jaw is still on the ground watching the world unfold in all its brilliance all around me all the time. I couldn’t remember the words yesterday I had at one time memorized… so anon you sent me on a bit of a journey to find them again. I cant thank you enough. I needed to walk this tail again to remember what was lost. Turns out it was really necessary for whats happening around me IRL. Still amazes me how it all works. The coincidences are so common because I can see it so clearly yet unbelievable at the same time. Here are some thoughts Rodney shared with me a long time ago that I felt were important to share with others on the path.
Do not ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive.
And then go out and do that because what the world needs are people who have come alive. Whatever we do from that sense of aliveness will feed the world.
So simple its brilliant. I Love the simple ones. :) Its all that makes seems to make sense anymore.
Anon…I get it all wrong so often. I would guess you already know this insight but the single and greatest thing that has made my path doable is leading with the heart as much as possible. (I like to call it leaning in) When I mess up or tread heavily on the path its easier to realize and backtrack. No mater how much intention is put forward the reflection can be so dynamic with necessary eternal lessons. So many lessons. Sometimes shocking and hard to forget. For me they are the ones that are easily remembered.(:
So I was wrong again. There is kind of manual to all of this. The best manual I have found so far would be meditation. I like the Vipassana practice. I guess it would be considered western style. Very open….which makes sense to me. However I have met many religious people that practice for expanded ‘’source’’ connection. There are many approaches to this practice but at the core its Meditation to 0 or simply following the breath. Easier said than done sometimes. I have experienced so many incredible things in this practice. Very often I have experiences that are hard to believe myself. ‘’Wait what…did that just happen… Yes it did but having the belief and the eyes to see make things clear and ‘’the open the space’’. So comfy in the spot before thought.
(oops…buildin a wall here..kek)