Do you comprehend what your strawman is?,,,,, no why don't u tell us ?
Do you perceive your slavery?,,,,, why do u think we are here? we all of us here know there is something wrong
"What is the most valuable asset that a nation state has?",,,,, its people bro u know this !!!!
"What is bondage?,,,,,,,,,,,What is a bond.,,,,,,,,,,,,Where does a bond derive its value?,,,,,,,,,,,Why are our children constantly tested by schools?,,,,,,,,What are bond futures?,,,,,(Micro management),,,,,Mans law>statutes>courts>police.,,,,,,,,Gods law>natural law>common lawbible."
yes yes yes we know this too
stop with the scoratic method bro !!!! say what u mean!!!!
all of this is tiresome i know lets try this
say what u mean instaed of goobldy goop questions that are vauge as hell
lets start from the start huh ???
before the total devistaion of this planet 12,800 years ago a race of beings came to this palnet on a mission to seed worlds with life(probibly a first race) they found that they were the only life in the universe theirs was the spark that were the first to be bi-pedial. As their long long time here and the seeds of life they planeted here grew,,,, then they acended most of them,,,, when a younger race they seeded crash landed or came here those beings were our makers the beings who created us from their genetics and the genetics of an hominid already here
our entire time in excistance has been bondage
THE GREAT AWAKING WONT BE STOPPED when the event comes the eliet wont have any power as
im a soverin being i use their tools to survive i do not use them to forward myself on the backs of others,,,,,,,WHEN THE DOLTS OF THIS WORLD FINNALY WAKE UP I WILL BE THERE KEK FLAG IN HAND LEADING THEM UP THE MOUNTIAN