Operation Paperclip.
>I'm not fucking around…
You are not?
Isn't that what ALL of us are doing?
You make me smile my ally.
Looking through a key hole…
>I went through past posts you have also eluded to the fact that you have not done any hallucinogenics.
I said Q would not condone drugs (illicit / hallucinogenic) and neither would Eye.
Read between the lines, and no not 'those' kind of lines.
I don't condone them.
It doesn't mean I haven't tried them.
One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small
Mushrooms are magical.
Gateways to the spirit.
Though a word of caution, you may not like what you see in the mirror of self reflection.
The sage of sages has lead to many a Fool Card.
The Hermit.
The smoking lady in the Doctor Strange 2 'fan made' trailer?
[Personal]ized message.
Cacti buttons taste BITTER.
Never went low on the pH scale.
Never required substances to achieve clarity.
The spirit particle will take you further than any drug ever could.
>You have eluded that you have a vision beyond PLG
Does a Magician reveal all of his cards?
I have alluded to many things.
I have shared many things.
I have shared exactly what I felt was necessary at the time.
I have eluded only a few items of conversation.
You speak as if I haven't shared a single piece of the puzzle?
There is a game being played.
Though it is not a game.
The mind vs. the machine.
A reflection in the mirror.
Operators behind the veil.
How much should I reveal?
If ALL of the cards were on the table the game ceases to exist.
The truth is I have had visions, and moments of clarity.
Moments of visualizing all of Time unfolding.
Brief, but clear.
Much pain, but also much joy.
Years ago I reached out to a Supreme Being during contact and asked to "Know".
Most human minds cannot fathom 1% of infinity.
Make the most of the Time that is given to you.
Be careful what you wish for…