My friend, my ally, my child of Light.
All things have meaning.
What truly matters, is Eye connected you to information you never considered or perceived before.
This isn't about me.
It's about all of you.
For the rest of you;
I think we lost Jordan Sather.
I have been remote viewing his perceptions.
For I am discouraged.
He does not think this information is viable.
Do you know the primary failure?
We made a thread specifically for him.
He saw this first, and failed to perceive the rest of the material.
He thinks we're just a bunch of "comic book junkies".
He didn't perceive any of the Wisdom in my Secrets and Laws.
His entire attitude is based off truth sharing yes, but making money from truth sharing.
Jordan Sather's Ego has failed his test.
It is highly unlikely he will past his test.
I could not perceive this until this point in Time / Space.
Mistakes have been made.
I came to this board for very specific reasons.
Many correct connections are being made.
Only a very few tangents.
Most information is relevant.
However, building upon and completing the Map is paramount.
We cannot diverge from this task.
We are all united, we need to unite more seekers.
With relevant information.
Time for thy Socratic method;
What would bring people here?
How ready are most souls to perceive esoteric knowledge?
How do you keep a collective of Superheroes on track?
What is a Superhero? It's an ALTER EGO.
These roles are designed upon your Egos.
Positive aspects mind you.
However… yes to empower you, but also to ground you and humble you.
If your Alter Ego takes full control? It goes to your head.
Wong is necessary more than anyone else here right now to quell your Ego's a bit.
Don't ever forget the responsibility of a Superhero.
You put yourself in front of others.
You face the tests they cannot.
You complete the challenges others cannot.
While I am truly happy we have accomplished what we have, we are losing focus.
Dr. Strange must ground you all.
You must remain focused.
We must continue to build upon the Map.
We MUST continue to perceive and build upon the roles.
People NEED to look at the Marvel Universe of roles.
Look at the loaves upon loaves of bread Eye have given you.
How many roles have others come up with?
It's all within you.
Balance your Ego with your Alter Ego.
>Do you believe in coincidences? - Q
>All things have meaning. - Q
>There are no coincidences. - Q
>You are watching a movie. - Q