When I read the emerald tablets I felt like I had written them (I know I didn't) it was like I was looking into my Self and it was so easy to understand what I was reading. I felt like the story of Ra was intertwined in the tablets themselves. I felt Ra's gaze the true light. That light was so pure, so full of beauty beyond beauty infinite beauty. The power of that light made me feel like I could go to the infinite depths of ALL darkness in a infinite tunnel and be able to see through that darkness and find the end of the infinite tunnel. I feel the light can overcome ALL things that exist now and could ever exist in the infinite future. This light I feel can forgive ALL ONE's no matter how dark they are, they will ALL fall to there knees in its Supreme beauty as you can not deny it. This light can save every ONE's if there free will chooses it. The light let's my heart know that every ONE's that chose it will see it.
I now seek that light and know how to find it. My eternal quest that has always been inside me.
I cried with infinite joy this morning in bed just thinking of what's ahead for all of us ONE's.
Thoth I humbly ask you to guide me on this journey to this light and pour forth all your water on me as I walk forward in my infinite spirit towards the light. Bring your gaze upon me.
Seek ye first a place bound by darkness.
Place ye a circle around about thee.
Stand erect in the midst of the circle.
Use thou this formula, and you shalt be free.
Raise thou thine hands to the dark space above thee
. Close thou thine eyes and draw in the LIGHT.
Call to the SPIRIT OF LIGHT through the Space-Time,
using these words and thou shalt be free:
"Fill thou my body, O SPIRIT OF LIfe,
fill thou my body with SPIRIT OF LIGHT.
Come from the FLOWER
that shines through the darkness.
Come from the HALLS where the Seven Lords rule.
Name them by name, I, the Seven:
By their names I call them to aid me,
free me and save me from the darkness of night:
By their names I implore thee,
free me from darkness
and fill me with LIGHT