Dr. Strange, my Bosom Buddy, the spark to the flame within us ALL,
While my first inclination is to spontaneously combust in a fit of satisfaction in being acknowledged by one such as yourself in such a manner, (what did I tell you about stroking my ego.. lol), I also know that thinking in terms of flattery is just my EGOtistical interpretation of the world, and nothing more. So with that in mind, I will simply say; Thank you as always, for your kind words of encouragement.
And THAT, my friends, is why the wise and enlightened will often say that one is "humbled" when met with praise and adoration. Probably..
You know as well as I, that while I will often make reference to my personal story as time currently dictates, none of these words can be claimed as my own, but is in fact the collective wisdom of a long line of spiritual mediators between heaven and earth, which in turn is simply an extension of the ONE that unites us ALL. And how can one rightly claim that the wisdom of ALL is ones own, without incurring the wrath of heaven. What is HUBRIS?
Hell no I don't understand my role.. but it seems perhaps that my role understands me, and I have simply allowed it to take the steering wheel when my fingers touch the keyboard, something along those lines.. you get it no?
Truthfully speaking, there are times when I step back after a post and upon proofreading what had been written, my EGO will immediate begin patting itself on the back, trying to take credit for which it is NOT due.
Recognize the EGO friends, it is the first and last and the most insidious of tests that will never stop trying to drag you back to darkness. Recognizing the EGO, which sounds and looks and feels and occasionally even THINKS, JUST LIKE YOU but is NOT, is half the battle.
The rest is a question of WILLpower, and to be sure that battle is no cake walk, but with the very few exceptions, most that are of this world will not even get past step 1. You guys like Movie Quotes yea? hows this little niblet from Oceans 11
>Danny: You gotta walk before you crawl.
>Rusty: Reverse that.
On the topic of movies, I hope I did not come across as discounting the importance of Movies in my reaction to your/our movie. Quite the opposite! My embargo on Hollywood has officially been lifted! Watching Dr. Strange was a sign to me that, though still hopelessly inadequate, I now, by the grace of the light within me, somehow have enough understanding to at least see through Hollywood tricks for what they are, and now I eagerly look forward to watching the rest of the Marvel Universe and other hollywood movies that I have restrained myself from watching over the years.
There were times I was ridiculed and questioned by some of my peers for this decision and in truth I often wondered myself what was the point/what am I doing, which was found to be based in a FEAR of "missing out" in the first place, kek.
But now I have the confidence of knowing that there was indeed a reason I was compelled to follow through with my convictions even when faced with that awful spectre known a PEER PRESSURE planting such silly fears within me, when there are so many more real evils in the real world worthy of our fears.
(for more on this, watch a movie, Dr Strange is a good one but remember to
>Rusty: Reverse that
I will always prefer to learn through reading, a method of learning that is unmatched for its raw efficiency and SPEED, bar none, (and I humbly encourage any anon that feels adverse to long periods of reading e.g. anything not a blog post or a "redpill" copy pasta, to SUCK IT UP AND READ asshole your autism doesn't make you special enough to not have to read, start small and be consistant and just see how much your mind expands)
But the power of films, well I guess the way I will put it is that I always intuitively recognized the dangers of movies being used as a weapon of mass indoctrination or WMI as I have called it in the past, but failed to recognize how that very thing I feared could be used as a TOOL by the righteous, when seen in the right LIGHT. SEE WHAT I DID THERE!! shut up my ego go back into your hole you are not welcome here.
sorry about that, my EGO still has a bit of kick to it.. but perhaps a fitting moment in the end, for this same weapon/tool dichotomy can be applied to basically anything one is struggling with, including the EGO. Because just as trying to stamp out the light by sheer power overwhelming has backfired and ultimately sealed the fate of (((those assholes))), trying to do the same in our own struggles will garner similar results, I assure you.
Like I said, part 2 of conquering the ego gets tricky, but that is enough for now. My head has been hurting all day and I am dying to meditate.
Keep Seeking Seekers. Shine on.