Welcome to the conversation ANON! So glad to have you here! I had a similar experience with the last digits of my meeter reading 777 the other day….Same day that I had a dream where I saw a sign that said "enjoy the ride" and heard the words, New people……
It didn't make much sense but later that day at the shop the barista was talking about the guest musicians and how they were looking for "new people" she said that 4 times!! It seems so silly and small, but what is coincidence really?
a co- incidence and co- happening a co- creation?
I took it to mean WE are gathering. I am ONE of the "new people" on board this ride (the collective) that has so much to do with these boards here. It is indeed all connected! Since I started posting on here (only a week a go now) HOLY GUACAMOLE!! its been amazing.
And yes Lyrics! I have learned so much from what musicians "channel" the answers are all "right under our noses" WE just have to pay attention and real eyes they can come in seemingly small or trivial things.
BEautiful Words Anon!