>I guess his victory lap is in his own imagination. I'm sure in his mind he "won" while his temple of lies crumbles around him
Well, doc, According to these same hermetic principles:
1) Mentalism
all is in our minds.
so his imaginary reality that he has won is indeed true.
THOUGH I believe the difference is when your mind is connected to the collective, your victories are shared with the ALL (and all the minds who choose to seek and to know ONEness) now thats a victory that feels sweet :)
>This imaginary victory lap is probably where his imaginary friends and invisible allies reside!
Truth be told doc, I hear voices and pray(converse) to the ascended master best friends (invisible friends until they arent). THOUGH the difference may be that knowing I AM and this I AM is really the WE, than the voices I hear are really just me.
Ex: Gratitude and Salutations from my friends in the glowing orb in the sky on the Big Island. We had a whole conversation! If I was less grounded and overly filled with fear, (I did admit my own human programming of some fear i still held in that interaction..) I could have slipped down the schitzophrenic mind loop and thought I could be crazy.
If its ALL mental, you can THINK your way out of or into ANY thing.
SO I choose to WIN!
Knowing that WIN is for ALL
and NOT for some self serving purpose or master or handler or cult or group that is telling me what I should know or do or how to be (which is how I interpret the cult of the cabal or Masons and where these shills most likely got trained)
I AM my own Master.
I will see/feel/hear you ALL in that space, the collective Consciousness.
May we ALL be Masters of the Multiverse!
Love on anons!
Oh that reminds me of one of the favorite voices in my head that happened at the very beginning of this adventure. I had just started to read the qreseach boards, having my mind blown, not totally sure what to think about the whole phenomena. I smoked a little spliff an sat on the couch thinking hard about the whole thing, and i heard a voice say
"Look at your posture, anon"
clear as day! and I noticed how I was sitting (hunched over and slightly twisted) and how that was directly relating to the thoughts I was having (slightly negative or self-doubting) i sat right up after that! posture and breathing are so key to your mentality.
That was neat! And one of the first indications I had that this adventure is MUCH more than some computer nerds talking about nonsense and researching rabbit holes.
WE are using this NETWORK to CONNECT and to WIN!