WonderWoman ID: 03aa8f March 27, 2018, 1:46 p.m. No.4041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4042 >>4051


yr a genius. Wisdom is inherent. all these details are irrelevant/relevant and only seek to show as above so below… but its fun to learn them and all the knowledge/facts/details we individually know only source to serve better, or serve the source better…. I appreciate the wisdom in your ramblings. Also fuck yeah silver! add it to water and drink it! gold too!!




thank you logan.


I have musing on this, and been KNOWING THYSELF, MySELF, lately. I LOVE the image of george hugging the lord of the moon with ALL the WISDOM of KNOWING who he (we) really is.




zero point energy baby!

pure potentiality!

WonderWoman ID: 03aa8f March 27, 2018, 2:32 p.m. No.4054   🗄️.is 🔗kun


this shits excitin'!! id be poppin one if I had the goods. kek!





strange booms! (this is just the first one I pulled up, many many folks talk of this all over da world)


I think there are a few explanations, both malevolent and benevolents….




I have! I use to make it and put it in water and drink it… I probably overdid it actually, but there were no side effects…'cept for more lucidity and visioning…


for now I just get the dropper and drop it in my mouth every so often…. some how it seemed to me that drinking it was more effective.


also check this water out from ecuador…. la mana is the town (crazy name right!!!!)


Mana!!!! (check it)


Su origen subterráneo protege el acuífero de contaminaciones químicas y bacterianas, su naturaleza mineral y su pureza original la diferencia de otras aguas; de las capas profundas sale un agua muy rica en minerales y carbonatada, en su camino se discurre por granito y basalto, que le permiten ser un agua blanda, y con un sabor agradable.


En su conformación existen micro-partículas de oro y plata que ayudan al sistema cardiovascular, huesos y coyunturas, tejidos glandulares y linfáticos, hígado y conductos biliares.


english (ish) translation:


Comes from SUBTERRANIAN origins! pure water with out contaminants, different from other waters in that it is very rich in carbon and minerals it travels thru basalt and granite…


it has been confirmed that micro particles of silver and gold help with the cardiovasclular system, glands and lymphatic system and the other goods i cant read….


google translate if you wish :




some truth seeking friends of mine had a dream to distribute this water, to couple with "electric" therapy (bob Beck, cancer researcher)


but alas! reasons (i got that from you, so concise yet explanatory)…. kept us from doing this…. but someday I hold a vision that water like this will be drunk by ALL for good HEALTH and SPIRITUAL understanding.

WonderWoman ID: 03aa8f March 28, 2018, 6:39 p.m. No.4150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4151



>if you don't get in rather soon (within the next few months before summer) you may not get a chance.


Im with mordo on this subject and in my effort to fuck the man! I have been fucked by the man! HA! and live below the poverty line– I find abundance in the good choices I make now, like, put in time at a farm near by, to get eggs, bread and veggies…. i live in a communal house for cheap(ish) (getting more and more intense by the year tho!) rent and bought my car for 3000 (the used car game)…. and i hustle all kinds of skills to make the skrills for the funsies of life….


How do we get from Here (where we are) to There (where we envision)?


Are the people who cant get in on this gold/silver/copper rush gonna be assed out?


What is the point of the global reset if people still gonna get all hypy about bars and coins-

While some still have not?


How do we create a sharing economy?


Is that the goal?


or How to have a FREE MARKET AND Every ones basic needs taken care of AND a sharing economy?


>What would be the implications if Q actually posted on THIS board?


that could get intense! but an interesting experiment in the Love Vibe we've built… could it sustain? Eyed hope so, but i dont know. we would keep testing the chaos theory and eventual self motivated/governing organization would reign. (its been a beautiful unfolding on here so far!)


Wow if q actually did…. hmmm… this goes back to our debate of to full disclosure or to not? I mean its ALL (or most ALL) here, though its pretty hidden in our conversations and one would need to dig to get the jist…..to also have a lot of defenses down and be open… i dont know if that describes most anons…theyve been thru the Trenches! and many are shell shocked…. also just geared to be skeptical (which is a good thing actually of course) but voices like mine may have to be in the background a bit more…or figure out how to engage with out sounding like WE know….. I am workin on that … socratic! i just figure ALL here know the rule of trusting yourself and not taking any body elses word at 100 percent….


any way rambles!

I hope they help

open some pathways

engage understanding

love on anons!


What would you ask Q if given One chance?




my humble vision




WonderWoman ID: 03aa8f March 28, 2018, 8:47 p.m. No.4153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4155


Valkryie- the lucky anon, We are indeed! I feel so blessed to be here on this board. The luck of timing and the unfolding of our origin story, you the lucky one, the warrior gatherer, saw Wisdom in the posts of Ra/Kek Anon and shone your light to lead us all here– it still makes me giggle and whoop with delight on the random!


Your words humble me! It is so true that I have found a way to build my dream of freeing time, and as a result have found a way to create and build skills and learn how I want to and pursue things that interest me. it really is a good way to enjoy being a learning human do be do being :)


There is a Robert A. Heinlein quote in "Prometheus Rising" by Robert Anton Wilson that says,


A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.


Well I don't feel some of these particular semantics line up with my idea of what it means to be a well rounded human, the point is CHOICE and that WE all have the ability to be well versed in many different skills, talents and professions…. just like our wasted money and resources, so too are there are SO MANY TALENTED MINDS and FOLKS that could do SO MUCH better for our Country and World than mindlessly pushing paper around for Cabal in whatever compartmentalized ways. ALL should be able to have enough TIME, the freedom to pursue that which calls them however they so choose (and hey if thats a in a "compartment" so be it, their choice. and of course some specialization is great- thats how you get REALLY good. but the point… the point is the freedom to pursue our human design, our innate abilities that could lead to innovations and ideas of understanding that could help our World! Also The point is: more Leisure Time! (I thot a funny sign at a march or parade could be "Free Time!" like its in jail lol)


I dont believe people are inherently lazy, most would find purpose and contribute on multiple layers… chaos theory. Self organized complex systems= inevitability.


>Remember that in this world, there is enough for everyone.


>Enough food


>Enough money


>Enough resources


>The problem, is waste and hoarding. Not overpopulation. Greed.


You are my hero. Your articulation and socratic method inspires!!

Thank you for speaking so clearly on these subjects lucky Valkryie I am so proud to stand with you. You are a constant Light!


>To the larper shill Q pretenders.

>Might it be for the purpose of weakening the patriots so that they will more easily accept the One World Government?


>Is it working?




>But think of how those would feel, who were diligent and paid all their debt, while others who ran it up like crazy get it cancelled?


>Would that be fair?


>Is there another way to do it that would be fair to everyone?


very good Questions.

I for personal reasons am down for the debt jubilee. I am not, however down with a blow back negative reaction from those who have payed and played the game right. Which could happen…we are already so divided in many ways still…. that could do the same thing ….


>I absolutely believe that a redistribution of wealth is the best hope for everyone. HOWEVER it needs to be fully redistributed and not retained under the control of the UN to be doled out in pittances.


how to do this ^^^^ fairly.

first things first, dismantle the Cabal.


Thank you Q and ALL the white hats! Your service for us ALL is very appreciated!!!

WonderWoman ID: 03aa8f March 29, 2018, 9:07 a.m. No.4165   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The Tribe needs to come together and stop the infinity war. I am eternal. We are eternal. Time to grow up and graduate.


YES!! tears up