AntMan ID: 19c3cd Hey SPHINX March 21, 2018, 1:32 p.m. No.3301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3316






noun: empathy

the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.



early 20th century: from Greek empatheia (from em- ‘in’ + pathos ‘feeling’) translating German Einfühlung .





adjective: intuitive

using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.

"I had an intuitive conviction that there was something unsound in him"

synonyms: instinctive, instinctual; More

innate, inborn, inherent, natural, congenital;

unconscious, subconscious, right-brained, involuntary, visceral;


"an intuitive grasp of the truth"

(chiefly of computer software) easy to use and understand.



late 15th century (originally used of sight, in the sense ‘accurate, unerring’): from medieval Latin intuitivus, from Latin intueri (see intuit).


I thought we could reference the definition and origin of the word in our discussion.


I have been all my life a hunter of animals for food. All big game, birds and fish. When I killed my first deer it was unlike any experience I have ever had. I felt a primal energy in what I was doing and couldn't even keep my hands from shaking while holding the rifle. After I shot the deer and it was bleeding out I had a sense of accomplishment in the fact that I just provided meat for my family by my own hands. We waited for 30 minutes before approaching the deer and when I first saw it on the ground I immediately felt remorse for what I had done as I started to feel empathy for the deer. My hunting partner could sense this and told me that what I had done was OK because I would provide food for my family and it was the way of life. I rationalized this in my brain and decided I would accept what he said. The next thing to do is gut the animal. I still remember this experience vividly as it was very traumatic. It was then that I learned what an big game animal looks like on the inside and what it looks like with its skin off. I immediately related it to what a human would look like in the same condition yet I didn't empathize with that thought because I think I was still in shock. I proceeded to kill many more animals over my lifetime and I became conditioned to it without giving it a second thought.


Enter my awakening. I continued to eat meat up until a month ago when I had an experience. I had learned about half a year ago that human cannibalism was practiced among the self titled "elite" and was beginning to be pushed into the mainstream and this thought disturbed me yet I still ate meat of an animal. It wasn't until I realized that the "elite" where hunting us and eating us that I was hit with a major dose of empathy for the animals I was hunting and eating and I could no longer eat another animal because I felt I would be a hypocrite for telling an elite they couldn't eat me but I ate animals.


My question I'm hoping you can help me with sphinx is did I experience intuitive empathy or realized empathy?

AntMan ID: 19c3cd Layline grid March 23, 2018, 2:15 p.m. No.3576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3578 >>3597



I bet you could put this pic over the earth and it might overlap the laylines on earth and maybe uncover other energy hot spots?


See attached pic

AntMan ID: 19c3cd Christ Consciousness March 23, 2018, 3:35 p.m. No.3619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3632

Thoth I would shed some light on this on one of the busy boards. More detailed info on this in the less busy boards if any ONE'S have the EAR's to hEAR with an open hEARt.


I believe this also comes from the qabalah and we can draw from this as well. The journey to Christ Consciousness through Christos oil. I believe this is the journey for all of us to change the world to the next dimension. When you complete this you are able to see God's love and words clearly with no veil. These are just some thoths tho.