WonderWoman ID: 20abde March 22, 2018, 12:29 p.m. No.3405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3424



  • physical silver is a safeguard (not only financially but as safety against other beings)

Colodial silver can be added to water,

we drink the water, our bodies are conduits for natural resonance, (the way magnetics are expressed based on the geometry of cosmos/planets) piezoelectric energy! courses through

our bodies= electrically protected with nanoparticles of silver inside us….


have you researched all the c.goode interviews??? sooooooo much can tie all together. they discuss antarctica in depth. I have watched every interview on cosmic disclosure, I would say that is a vey good way to start connected some of these dots:


>love and forgiveness have the highest energy level

>antarctica is very important

>the law of free will is can not be broken


they go into loosh and satanic rituals a bit, but there is a lot on the interwebs about this as well….


I hope that helps you connect some currents!

Light on anon!

WonderWoman ID: 20abde March 22, 2018, 1:29 p.m. No.3420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3432 >>3434 >>3438



This is an interesting subject and I tend to agree with Mordo on this in this way,


I think most people are ready, it has been a LONG time and there have been many shifts in consciousness since "the war of the world" days, when peoples only stimulus and source of understanding was newspapers and radio….


I run in a crew of normies but even they are down with talking about aliens…. it seems so obvious to most people I know that we are not alone…


Normies really, what does that mean?? To me a lot people I know are willing to think big picture but not willing to trust Trump. Or they can believe some "out there" shit but then get their news from Colbert (people love to laugh! C iA is onto that obvsies) and then they have these certain blocks from seeing how it all connects….


an example is yesterday I was working with this lady. We were talking about how the media is coopted and no one thinks for them selves if they only get info from the news.. She was like "like that Rachel Maddow lady, she is just yelling her opinion into the camera and people listen?"


Then not two subject matters later, she brings up lauren hill and how she is an evil racist, now if you have seen the latest I have posted in the music thread, you will no this was no coincidence and sparked something inside me (i love that goddess!)


So i was like, lady!, not even 5 minutes ago we were talking about the MSN and how they just implant rumors and untruths in our minds, how EASY would it be to start that rumor about Lauren Hill? ESPECIALLY since she spoke her truth to power in her rhymes, (((they))) were after her and trying to derail people from listening.


she said she respected my opinion and would look into it :) a small victory on the rainbow bridge .




ALSO on the disclosure subject, I tend to also agree with Dr Strange on this one. But how to have free energy devices and not have alien tech disclosed?? just keep the public knowledge of it in the realms of earthmen like Tesla?


>Also for building free energy devices.


>Maybe some personal anti-gravity / electrogravitic / trans-dimensional space craft?


>Yes, we should all be living like the Jetsons by now.


>Disclosure from a government = WORTHLESS compared to interacting with your OWN EYES.

>When you have had 40 contact experiences or more as myself, what I see on TV is absolutely MEANINGLESS.


>Make contact for yourself.


>Find disclosure for yourself.


also that ^^^

We really cant control anything but our own story. Do YOU want to make contact?? It is INDEED possible!!! (i have had a few amazing experiences myself)


In the end this prayer has proven helpful to me in discerning how to go about your own story, vs how your story fits into the whole:


my mom used to say it to me before bed when growing up.


God grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change,

the Courage to change the things I can,

and the WISDOM to KNOW the Difference.


Amens and womens!

WonderWoman ID: 20abde March 22, 2018, 1:57 p.m. No.3424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3433


I forgot to include an essential key to this formula

and that IS BARE FEET.


making yourself a conduit by putting your feet on the earth.


Rubber soles are a stopper of the energetic electricity.


Grounding ourselves IS really important!

WonderWoman ID: 20abde barefeet March 22, 2018, 2:23 p.m. No.3433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3443


heres a good youtube vid

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gUgPI3ParY


just add silver (or gold) water

and shine on ya crazy DiAMONDS!


mordo and antman: I am having a hard time reaching this site, says it refuses to connect…ill keep trying…

WonderWoman ID: 20abde March 22, 2018, 2:36 p.m. No.3438   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Did you read to the end of that post? >>3420

I think that 50 shades of grey anon sigil is a good way to look at this…


50 shades of red? orangeyellowgreenor blue? of course, indigopurple?


It is just NOT possible for everyone to KNOW this info ALL at once. Like you as an example to the whole of all people (as a above, so below, I AM another fractal of GOD or yourself as reflection/fractal of GOD) but all at different angles/perceptions/shades at any given time/space/reality


The red pill will not be understood all at once by all people knowing it all at once. its just not possible. I really dont think so. Peoples minds are just all over the place. just scroll on facebook once and a while…


what CAN happen all at once I believe how ever is A hEARt CONNECTION or CRUX point in our time/space/culture of humanity. in order for this to happen folks dont have to consciously know about aliens or pizzagate specific,ally. they are working out their own shadow in their own way with metaphors of these realities manifesting as something different for them…


This is yOUR path. If ya wann get on a ship, and disclose for yourself. DOIT! It takes the work of getting over fear and learning how to hEAR the conversation in your mind.


We have found each other for a reason. Not all can hear this, but it was making us batty on this lonely mountain and NOW we know this knowledge is not solitary and we have each OTHER and know it can be shared, but until ONES use there OWN FREE WILL to choose this path, we cannot force anything on anybody.

WonderWoman ID: 20abde March 22, 2018, 2:41 p.m. No.3441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3444

talking bout minds all over the place… kek! :


> It is just NOT possible for everyone to KNOW this info ALL at once. Like you as an example to the whole of all people (as a above, so below, I AM another fractal of GOD or yourself as reflection/fractal of GOD) but all at different angles/perceptions/shades at any given time/space/reality


just think of that as a fragmented poetic interlude


I love you!

WonderWoman ID: 20abde March 22, 2018, 2:45 p.m. No.3442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3446

>my friend I know most of that remember dr.greer's warning of a fake alien attack

>(with our craft)

>but this is part of prepping people 4 that event


do you understand the signifigance of being able to bend time?

your words have power!


now that WE know their game, that is not the ending we are writing!!!!

WonderWoman ID: 20abde March 22, 2018, 3:12 p.m. No.3450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3461


in this question, But how to have free energy devices and not have alien tech disclosed??


i am questioning the paradox of how

>we should all be living like the Jetsons by now.


and with

>free energy devices.


without disclosing aliens?? In this is where I agree with you, how can we move forward if we dont disclose….


but if YOU really THINK about it. FULL DISCLOSURE IS NOW.


WE know don't we!!!!!!


(don't forget Mordo, just cuz we don't know the same same things as you here doesn't mean we don't know the same things!!!)


Yet, some people still sleep. They choose to do this, despite the big RUSE they COULD wake up if they so choose. A lot of them don't. Its scary. Its hard, Its lonely.


EveryONE is on there own schedule at gaining this understanding. WE cant force them to know anything they don't choose!


If we live like the jetsons I don't really see how people aren't going to put 2 and 2 together, but then again I don't see how people aren't putting 2 and 2 together NOW!!

WonderWoman ID: 20abde March 22, 2018, 3:17 p.m. No.3455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3465



>just another page my ww ally

and this is page of the story that you are writing, designing and living in the now


so wisely choose the words to write the pages of the script and use your hEARt to empathize with ALL the characters in this movie…why do they play the roles that they do? does it best suit them for a reason? whats their motivation? Can I empathize with their story and how they see they world? how do I interact with them (like you wrote the happy ending to your interaction with the guy at the doorway story you told the other day)

WonderWoman ID: 20abde March 22, 2018, 3:48 p.m. No.3466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3468 >>3480







You can put it into to pictures!!!! VISIONING BRO. Its all happening. Deep breaths. Check out the j.christ thread, some cool things happening over there… YOU ARE the savior you've been waiting for! and WE ARE all in this together.

WonderWoman ID: 20abde March 22, 2018, 5:11 p.m. No.3479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3481



comets and sky anomolies are earthly?


earth to mordo! ground that fire brother! you are the transmuter of this electricity you speak. Listen. Intend. hEARts align.

WonderWoman ID: 20abde March 22, 2018, 8:37 p.m. No.3501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3502 >>3504



eye agree!

but for the to feel see and hear

eye think thots that feel that

we are GOD,

camcorders for the akashic

the vinyl of time aligns in our minds

and plays sweet sounds if we let it

and the heartearth beats the same sounds since….


"judge not lest we judge our selves"


i love you brothers. We are ONE.

WonderWoman ID: 20abde March 22, 2018, 8:50 p.m. No.3505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3506

eye think a Loving God discerns and doesn't judge…but, eh semantics!


but also God (the one infinite Creator) is ineffeble and doesn't have a "personality" per se , but our minds have the ability to get closer and closer thru learning, cause and effect and trial and err


errrrrrr… hard to put into words, but I respect that words carry vibration…judgement can create an us vs them mind loop.


discernmnet is more creating the space around you to grow, be a live and in love /…. like not kickin with the the folks that don't feel good or not taking shit from someone seeking to ditract you, but not judging them, they are on their path.

WonderWoman ID: 20abde March 22, 2018, 10 p.m. No.3508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3512


omg wong!


i just made some tea and (of course) the cute little saying says:


"the difference between a flower and a weed is judgment." (!!)



and that as our minds inherently name/catagorize like the faithful computers they are, how we judge something makes it so , or names it.


i feel like the part in eden where God uses the word to name all the things…could be relevant somehow in understanding, or looking deeper?


also I love that you've been reading the code of the concrete streets! the signs are everywhere, eh! Your mind is the architect of the design YOu see around you!


Love you brother!