This is an interesting subject and I tend to agree with Mordo on this in this way,
I think most people are ready, it has been a LONG time and there have been many shifts in consciousness since "the war of the world" days, when peoples only stimulus and source of understanding was newspapers and radio….
I run in a crew of normies but even they are down with talking about aliens…. it seems so obvious to most people I know that we are not alone…
Normies really, what does that mean?? To me a lot people I know are willing to think big picture but not willing to trust Trump. Or they can believe some "out there" shit but then get their news from Colbert (people love to laugh! C iA is onto that obvsies) and then they have these certain blocks from seeing how it all connects….
an example is yesterday I was working with this lady. We were talking about how the media is coopted and no one thinks for them selves if they only get info from the news.. She was like "like that Rachel Maddow lady, she is just yelling her opinion into the camera and people listen?"
Then not two subject matters later, she brings up lauren hill and how she is an evil racist, now if you have seen the latest I have posted in the music thread, you will no this was no coincidence and sparked something inside me (i love that goddess!)
So i was like, lady!, not even 5 minutes ago we were talking about the MSN and how they just implant rumors and untruths in our minds, how EASY would it be to start that rumor about Lauren Hill? ESPECIALLY since she spoke her truth to power in her rhymes, (((they))) were after her and trying to derail people from listening.
she said she respected my opinion and would look into it :) a small victory on the rainbow bridge .
ALSO on the disclosure subject, I tend to also agree with Dr Strange on this one. But how to have free energy devices and not have alien tech disclosed?? just keep the public knowledge of it in the realms of earthmen like Tesla?
>Also for building free energy devices.
>Maybe some personal anti-gravity / electrogravitic / trans-dimensional space craft?
>Yes, we should all be living like the Jetsons by now.
>Disclosure from a government = WORTHLESS compared to interacting with your OWN EYES.
>When you have had 40 contact experiences or more as myself, what I see on TV is absolutely MEANINGLESS.
>Make contact for yourself.
>Find disclosure for yourself.
also that ^^^
We really cant control anything but our own story. Do YOU want to make contact?? It is INDEED possible!!! (i have had a few amazing experiences myself)
In the end this prayer has proven helpful to me in discerning how to go about your own story, vs how your story fits into the whole:
my mom used to say it to me before bed when growing up.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the Courage to change the things I can,
and the WISDOM to KNOW the Difference.
Amens and womens!