My fellow seekers. I love you all and am humbled as well as thrilled to see all these deep, insightful and real posts. Thank you all so much, from the bottom of my heart.
I struggle with my ego all the time, around making posts here. I fear looking dumb or being ridiculed. My thoughts are so busy and chaotic it’s hard to put them into words without having plenty of quiet and reflective time (of which I seem to never have enough - ahh the tricky trick of time).
Wonderwoman also gave me a new angle for looking at EGO. FOMO - well I never realized that too, is ego manifesting. That’s why it makes me feel so anxious. lol. So simple and yet I didn’t see it till it was pointed out. Thank you :) I have so much to learn about bringing my ego under control. Yes, I’ve been tested in these spaces and have failed. But I’m not defeated - I will learn my tests. I’m determined.
Doubt - is necessary, in my mind - to get to Wisdom. Like Dr Strange said, you have to leave space for the rest of the story (paraphrasing for my understanding). If you believe anything 100%, you’ve just closed your mind. That 1% of doubt is the needed crack to allow the light to get in. However, one must beware of being crippled or stunted by too much doubt. I wonder if a better way to say it would be to leave it open. Not doubt, but openness to new knowledge. That sounds better to me anyway.
As to getting the word out, I keep thinking of the saying ‘what you seek, is also seeking you’. Those who sincerely seek, will find. Some are not interested in this stuff. And they can’t be forced into taking the redpill. They must choose it.
Like when I invited you all over to this board. It was an ideal moment to drop the link, because there was huge wisdom being shared and it was incredibly important to me. As soon as I recognized that I wasn’t the only one hanging on every word, and that there was opposition threatening to derail an amazing opportunity to go deeper, to find out the rest of the story - well I had to do something. I was afraid no one would show, or they wouldn’t like the space, or bla bla bla. Stupid ego lol. Still, I dropped the link at just the right point in the discussion - and here we all are! I couldn’t be happier. So for spreading the word, maybe keep this in mind. Find like minded others. Those who you know in your heart are ready, and drop a little hint. If it lands wrong or they are not ready - nothing is lost. Just find the next seeker. Those who seek, will find. And those who find, will understand. We are all guided here. And we will guide others here too. But never force. This information has to be sought by all who would know it. As has been said many a time here already - I’m going to say it a little less eloquently though ;) you gotta want it beyond all else. And ya gotta choose it above all else. Only then will you find the answers you seek.
I value each and every one of you, teachers of mine. Keep seeking, keep learning. Share what you find and learn even more.
Much love.