>Why do you think Q has specifically avoided posting anywhere NEAR any of my posts?
>Could the Silver Surfer help fill in the shades of grey?
>What if my purpose was to touch on exactly what Q cannot, for the sake of 40/60?
>What would be the implications if Q actually posted on THIS board?
Hello friends. I think that we who have been active in this board / actively researching topics discussed would maybe believe that it's actually Q dropping by, depending on what was said.
However, the majority of others in the main research board and eventually others who join after it has gained more outside attention, would probably think the Q in our thread here would be fake. (Depending on what was said)
Although, if people started asking themselves some questions ( I think we have made great progress here :smiles: ) .. maybe they'd too think it was the real Q if he would provide some insight here.
But could The Silver Surfer provide any more insight, since The Silver Surfer treasures freedom above all else, and has had many tests in the Marvel Universe?
I will think about a question that I would ask Q if we had such an opportunity. Maybe I'll wake up with something. :)