This just a story of an experience. It doesn't mean I know what I'm talking about. Since birth I was conditioned by the sleeple around me to think I was different. “He just runs to the beat of a different drummer”. They would say. I'm sure many of you have heard these types of statements. Usually ZEROs to put a person in their place because it doesn't fit in with the “Giant Universal Agreement” we have found ourselves living today..
Even though I was an idiot savant in some areas of the external world I could do many things “regular thinking brains” could not. Simple things that were easy for most people i just wasn’t able to do. Yet I had highly evolved observation and analysis skills. Skills that many people couldn’t even comprehend. I am to this day called “very slow” by some of my closest friends (it doesn’t offend me… I have known them my entire life. I love them and I wouldn’t be here today without them.) I respond with “I’m just methodical” and laugh. But who do they call when they want an engine or carburetor rebuilt perfectly every time? Yes I live to serve.I guess I was labeled as “disabled” in a sense…. shame on me for believing them. I was so lost because I didn’t match the “GUA” guidelines. I suffered a lot during that time. I found a very good doctor that was very good at helping people diagnosed with ADD. I was a lack of dopamine and lack of serotonin / neuro chemicals. Yada yada bla bla.
I used to call it attention inconsistency disorder because it seemed more fitting to my experience. (I prefer the place of inward sight.) We went through almost ALL the drugs available to “help” me. I did learn that most of them didn’t work. Couldn’t eat, sleep etc. I had trouble self reporting back to my doctor what I experienced especially when it came to the anti depressants. (Do you expect your 6 year old child to be able to self report on how they are “feeling” on a mind altering drug.” “Jimmy is so calm now he’s doing great” said his mom. How are teachers supposed to compete with the experience a child has watching TV? …in the trance. Compete with sugar, high fructose corn, Its like processed jet fuel. “Jimmy has a hard time paying attention in class” says the teacher. There’s a no shitter.)
(Look at the data on SSRIs and our kids…Scary if dig there. But the list you will find is accurate.) The last drug I tried worked great actually. (25 bucks a pill and the military uses it for pilots for long flights. etc…)
I digress sorry… I had the opportunity to have two types of brains. I realized at that moment how much I truly Loved my ADD brain. Its cooler than shit. So I chose raw super foods targeted at brain health and meditation. The drug I take now adrenaline!!! One of the best ways to create dopamine naturally. But it takes high speeds and scaring the shit out of myself to get it. (An addict will do anything ;-) )“Studies show” ADDers get calmer in high stress situations. I believe it to be true because it works for me and helps for several days of great thots.
I wonder if we will ever see a study on ADDers in the military?
Firemen? EMTs? Police? (People of service to humans….pattern? I don’t know)
Its known that they become more at peace and can think clearly in high stress situations.
In these occupations out of all occupations where do we see the most instances of domestic violence?
A addict will do anything to get the drug they need. Even create a story as an excuse to get their fix. Our bodies are no match for addiction you can see it everywhere in our world. Its right in frontal our face. I love you guys thank you again for your light and water. I'm honored to serve ALL you. I’m learning.
I need to go sit and work on the cabin. You are ALL invited. I hope you can all come hang out for some conversation…fire is already started. Living room is comfy.
Make of yourself a light he said…
Got Light?
I have water….
Your water boy Logan