LuckyAnon ID: b0ba01 March 17, 2018, 10 a.m. No.2789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2790


Thank you for sharing your wisdom anon.

I know exactly of what you speak. This very thing has lost me many an argument and prevented me from speaking out when I needed to.

I only recently started connecting it with some type of negative psychic attack. How fascinating and really, this is the best explanation isn’t it?


Myself, I feel these things in my gut and throat. As a stomachache and tight sore throat preventing me from speaking, essentially, or messing with my emotions so if I try to say anything, I start crying instead. Credibility- lost. lol


I’ve been reading some of John Kreiter’s books, where he explains how to deal with assaults of negative energy, to neutralize them to just energy which can then be used to strengthen yourself and regain control. It’s been helping me a great deal, although I’m not proficient in the exercises yet, I’m feeling more in control over the ‘assaults’ all the time. I think the method is very promising. if you want to know more :)

LuckyAnon ID: b0ba01 March 17, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.2826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2829


After all, isn’t this why we are posting here?

Aren’t we scaling that mountain of wisdom together?

Aren’t we remembering what we really are?

Aren’t we learning important lessons?

Aren’t we on a quest for the entirety of truth?



Love you anons, allies, friends.

Anonymous ID: b0ba01 March 17, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.2836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2878


I see it LoganAnon. It's a wonderful place. The weather outside is misty/foggy, and it is warm & comfy by the stone fireplace. There might be the medicinal green herb involved too :)

I'm in awe of your building skills as well, the cabin is very sturdy.

Make of yourself a light he said.

And so we do…

LuckyAnon ID: b0ba01 So...LOVE is the Key March 18, 2018, 4:18 p.m. No.2952   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Female energy guards the secrets, and male energy has the key, but female energy unlocks, but only if the male energy has love. Both energies must work Together. With FREE WILL.


I think you have uncovered something HUGE, LadyAnon. This is why people keep saying it's 'all about love'. It really is. Without love, we are lost. Male and female both. For what good is a key that doesn't work in the lock?

LuckyAnon ID: b0ba01 March 18, 2018, 4:20 p.m. No.2953   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Logan, sir - you're an awesome soul. You're so skilled. And I know you love the smooth surfaces of river stones ;)

That is all (for now)

LuckyAnon ID: b0ba01 Some Thoughts for Discussion March 18, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.2965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2967 >>2978 >>2983 >>3022

I started writing down my thoughts around the Big Picture in Socratic style (I believe). It's only about half done but I thought I'd post it anyway.

Maybe it will activate some almonds :)

*scripture refs from


"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

Who created it?

Was it The One?

Is The One actually Electric Attractive Force?

Is that how The One can be omnipotent?

"And God said, Let there be a firmament, in the midst of the waters. And let it divide the waters from the waters".

What is the firmament?

Is it land beneath our feet, or is it the sky above us?

Why was Eve humiliated and punished for wanting knowledge?

Was this the first attack against the feminine?

How is this same principle at work today?

Is it the work of Light, or Darkness?

'For I the lord thy god am a jealous god, visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, but showing mercy to them that love me and keep my commandments."

What god was this?

Is this something that The One would say?


Who decided what books should be included in the Bible and what ones should be left out?

Who determined that the ones omitted were 'heretical'?

If it is really the Word of God, why should man edit the word of God?

Why was this so called heresy so vigorously stamped out?

Why did a brave soul hide the forbidden books for later discovery?


Who was Jesus, really?

Do his words teach us the nature of true spirituality?


How will he return?

"Behold, he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him"

Is it possible that Jesus is extraterrestrial?

"For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."

How do you tell the false from the true?

Is it intentionally obscured by being made to appear very similar?

What would be the point?

What would happen to you if deceived?

WHO is giving the warning?

Is it the correct warning?


"Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour."

How many have been declared 'antichrist' by different religions in the past few decades?


"And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate."

Who is following the Bible as a playbook?

Is it the cabal?

Is it the elect?

Is it both?


"They want you DIVIDED" (Q)

Who wants us divided and why?

How does it benefit them?

What are divisions (list them)?


Who is the Deep State?

Are they worldwide?

Who is the cabal?

Are they one and the same?

What do they want?


What is the Council of Foreign Relations?

What is the Bilderberg Group?

What is the Bank of International Settlements?

Why is it in Switzerland?

Why is Switzerland one of the few countries never touched by war and invasion?

What are central banks?

Who controls them?

What do City of London, Washington DC, Vatican City have in common?

Why should they be above all laws?

Who made their laws? Why?

What happened to the contents of the Library of Alexandria?

Were they really lost?

Why were no widespread public efforts made to rebuild that library (i.e. recreate the data)?

Who engineered the Dark Ages?


Why does the Catholic church want supremacy so much?

Why are they now preaching 'unification' instead of 'death to heretics'?

Are they not the same institution?

Do they still not have the same goal?

What is that goal?


What is the United Nations?

What is their stated mission?

What is their real mission?

Why are their soldiers called 'peacekeepers'?

Is that really peace?

Is that really humanitarian work they're doing?

What about the human rights abuses? A cover?

What is the result (to a national economy, society, morale)?

How does this serve their real mission?

What about vaccinations, drugs and nutritional products?

What are these really designed to do?

Are they intended to weaken?

What about the War on Drugs?

Isn't it better called the War for Drugs?

What is the result?

Is a weakened society prime for subjugation and takeover?

Why are the bigtime criminals never caught? Is it because they are really that smart?

LuckyAnon ID: b0ba01 March 18, 2018, 8:40 p.m. No.2971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2974

I meant, about knowledge. People fell back in advancement/evolution a great deal during the Dark Ages, and I was wondering, is that something that was engineered?

LuckyAnon ID: b0ba01 March 18, 2018, 8:44 p.m. No.2972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2981


Just a wild thought here - could The One actually be an artificial intelligence? Or is it the true counterpart to the Ai? Is THAT the big secret? Real vs artificial intelligence?

LuckyAnon ID: b0ba01 March 25, 2018, 4:30 p.m. No.3797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3800


HAHA I love that dream WW. Definitely what we'd be doing lol. And I'd give you an elbow and a wink and say to the guy 'that's for YOU to find out!'

LuckyAnon ID: b0ba01 March 25, 2018, 4:51 p.m. No.3799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3800 >>3802 >>3809


My brave wise one Strange…

I'm glad you're seeking to perceive a role for me.

I can't perceive one for myself. I didn't grow up with these characters, I was kept away from all media in my early years.

I have only watched these symbolic movies we are discussing in adulthood. I noticed the battle between good and evil theme that pervades all these movies, and now I can perceive so many more layers.

But I never fantasized about being any of these characters growing up, because I didn't know them.

I did, however, fantasize about being a warrior princess a great deal :) I was the strong, silent and very deadly kind. LOL

I like the Valkyrie. There's an RPG game called Valkyrie Profile. Haven't played it yet but maybe I'll take it up!

Although I think what we are doing here is more important right now.

(pic related) is Lenneth the Valkyrie, from the game. I really do like it!

LuckyAnon ID: b0ba01 March 25, 2018, 5:02 p.m. No.3803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3804


>Doesn't Valkyrie search for Warriors worthy of handling the most daunting of challenges?


Oh yes. Truly, I have sought these warriors all my life. It seems that here, you all are. How very awesome.


Welcome, and thank you friends.

I know that we are here at this time and this place for a hugely important reason.

LVAnon ID: b0ba01 Interesting study on Genesis March 27, 2018, 6:50 p.m. No.4079   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is definitely not for those of feeble understanding and non-independant

mind sets. Some may need to be sitting down when the data starts to sink in.

Others will quickly reject the information without chewing on it for awhile.


This is real “meat” information for those who love and seek after truth. If you

have ears to hear and eyes to see the truth here, you will find this to be

exciting revelation. This info answers a lot of questions that I had about

some Biblical texts. I bring this information forward here, to share with you

all so more eyes can be opened to the truth that has been hidden from us all

this time. Be further awakened and edified. Be prepared to have some

perception and understanding cages rattled.

And now for the videos:

Genesis 1: The Elohiym Terraformed the Earth


Genesis 2: YHWH Created Hybrids in Mesopotamia


Genesis 3 Pt 1: The Image Disguise for the Hybrids


Genesis 3 Pt 2: Elohiym Warn About Beauty Cloak


Genesis 3 Pt 3: 'Enchantment Tool that Transforms'

LVAnon ID: b0ba01 March 28, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.4151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4153

First of all, here's some really lousy investing advice (recall that JP Morgan has been hoarding silver like crazy)




WW - my lovely one…think of the freedom that you have in exchange for daily slaving to pay for a stupid overpriced lifestyle. You have the advantage of time, and the way you're living is a freer way.


So remember - the global reset is something that's never been done before. Anything could happen!

One thing I am fairly sure of though, is that those who speak of 'redistributing the wealth' are not on the up and up. They may redistribute some but they will still keep most of it for the purposes of totalitarian control.

I'm not saying that to be a downer - I absolutely believe that a redistribution of wealth is the best hope for everyone. HOWEVER it needs to be fully redistributed and not retained under the control of the UN to be doled out in pittances.

Remember that in this world, there is enough for everyone.

Enough food

Enough money

Enough resources

The problem, is waste and hoarding. Not overpopulation. Greed.



Agree on the luck! We are beyond lucky to be here, at this time, in this place, to witness these momentous events as they unfold.


To the larper shill Q pretenders.

Have you read and perceived their messages?

Is it clear to you what the angle of the twist is?

Do you see the seeds of doubt attempting to be sown?

Further, do you see how the seeds fail to take root?

We know our Qs. LOL

Do you think it's a way to stoke despair, fear and all the rest?

Do you think it might be to an end?

Might it be for the purpose of weakening the patriots so that they will more easily accept the One World Government?

Is it working?



Ha! You rock! You asked the questions and came to a valid conclusion :) It's about as near as we can get to certainty in this case.



Wouldn't that be the absolute coolest?

But think of how those would feel, who were diligent and paid all their debt, while others who ran it up like crazy get it cancelled?

Would that be fair?

Is there another way to do it that would be fair to everyone?

LVAnon ID: b0ba01 March 28, 2018, 9:08 p.m. No.4155   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Your thoughts never fail to inspire me.

Thank you :)

I am honored and humbled to be here with you.

Perhaps, we can shed enough light to bring in our great future!

Love you WonderWomanAnon <3

LVAnon ID: b0ba01 March 28, 2018, 9:26 p.m. No.4157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4160


All excellent points my Sphinx.

I think that the bulk of anyone's collection should be in coin, for all those reasons.

But - sometimes the bars are a better price, and good for a reserve or a large trade.

Or - who knows - silver is useful for other things than currency.

Perhaps the bars could be sold for a good price to be used in technology - machines - such things.



Mordo, my friend - welcome back! I am sure the healing bridge will be awesome for your friend.


I was not at all talking about 'bragging'.

Don't you think that something so massive as a debt jubilee will be known by everyone?

I agree it would be exceptionally rude for one to go around boasting of how they got 'free' silver coinage.

People speak of their mortgages and car loans etc.

Smart people never breathe a word of any advantage they may have gotten out of the deal.

Well, I did get an Ipod with my first new car, along with all that debt. LOL. I didn't brag about it, just enjoyed :)

Ok bad example.


Glad you are back and lit up.

Love your genius-anon light on here.

Love you man!

LVAnon ID: b0ba01 Never stop seeking the Light and Truth March 30, 2018, 8:37 a.m. No.4223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4226


Nailed it, my friend and ally! Thank you.


My choice is made. I choose the truth. The light. The red pill. The whole story.


At this point in our existence, I have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to pick a side. Once I reached an understanding of the sides and how they manifest, I found the choice to be simple.

Right choices do not cause harm.

Wrong choices do cause harm.

I’ve made choices that seemed right in the moment but then they ended up causing harm.

Whenever that’s happened, I realize that it was because I allowed Ego to misinterpret my intuition and masquerade a wrong choice as a right one.

As soon as I see this, I try to make amends through wiser choices going forward.

I do not shrink from the consequences of my mistakes. That’s how I learn.

Every day, I choose to face the light.

Sometimes it’s hidden from me and I can’t see it, but I know that as long as I face toward it, I maintain my path.

Therefore- I join the mighty 77th in seeking truth and refining it (much like gold) into its purest form.

Seek on, fight on, light on, love on!


I choose to see things as they truly are.

I choose love.

I choose light.

LVAnon ID: b0ba01 March 30, 2018, 5:35 p.m. No.4303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4304 >>4306


Mordo my ally, my friend…

It is good to see you.

Nice RC plane - is that your baby?

Why do you look so familiar?

(no dox intended - you're familiar to me on that higher level :))

LVAnon ID: b0ba01 March 30, 2018, 8:37 p.m. No.4311   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon you are right about that.

So many different views and interpretations.

I like to think that epiphanies are elusive when you're looking for them, but when you stop looking, well - there they are.

And sometimes it can be surprising what the ol' subconscious kicks out.

I think the endgame is for us to evolve. At least that's my endgame :)


Happy Easter to you anon!

Much love.