Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd The LAW OF ONE March 14, 2018, 12:33 p.m. No.2184   🗄️.is đź”—kun


The Ra Material



Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 14, 2018, 12:43 p.m. No.2186   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2208 >>2281 >>2285


My friends, my allies, my children of Light.


We need to reach out among truth sharers who have a number of subscribers.

We can Muse all day, but with no audience it serves no purpose.


Hopefully something transpires from this with Jordan Sather.


Please continue to try to catch Isaac Greens attention.


Try to email Lionel at Lionel Nation,


We need to make a concerted effort, to broadcast the information wider.


As well, we need to keep making subtle links on the Q Research board to bring more eyes over here.


Eye cannot do that alone, I will be banned for division fagging. Make sure you point out that Q Research is for normies, and this is NOT.


We need to really focus guys.


Put your thinking caps on. Branch out to people.


Friends, family, acquaintances.


Youtube channels, Blogs, so on and so forth.


Thank you all! We are winning BIGLY!

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 15, 2018, 6:23 a.m. No.2307   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2398


My friend, my ally, my child of Light.

My dearest Wong,

For this I can perceive is Wisdom Eye am ready to share.

The answer to the question you seek, is thy Socratic Method.

Asking questions.

Are YOU ready?

How much do YOU think you REALLY know?

Are YOU ready to expand your thinking? - Q

These are the questions we must ask.

For proclamation of another, will NEVER LEAD TO WISDOM.


This is a MISTAKE Eye have made COUNTLESS TIMES.


When I first started on the research board, I ASKED… If I had the tiniest bit of Wisdom… just if… would you even listen to me?


I have failed time and again with the Socratic Method.


Eye strive to correct this, daily.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 15, 2018, 6:29 a.m. No.2309   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2314


My friend, my ally, my child of LIGHT.


Oh my TAXING Sphinx.

In a previous post, look at the CAPS.




Hahahahahahaha… x7

Eye must ask, and Eye must search.

You are asking THY HARDEST questions of all.

There is PURPOSE,

There is MEANING for this.


Eye truly do not know much about Lord Ashtar.

His Wisdom has been kept much as a mystery to me.

Eye BELIEVE his soul, is none other than that of ODIN.

The Benevolent father of thy 9 Realms.

The Galactic Federation of Light, Eye BELIEVE is centered around the Supreme Beings, namely Ra.

Yet they remain in the background, except to Lord Ashtar mostly.

Not all Pleiadians are good, but most are… from what Eye sense.

Annunaki were indeed the highest order of Human / Draco Reptilian hybrids.

Very gifted in the mystical arts.

Very gifted minds (skulls to account for this).

I believe Enki was more Human, thus conflicts arose with Enlil.

Thus where the separation began.


Arcturians? Eye do not know in completion, nor the foundation.




What do you know of the Arcturians?


>What you seek, Eye give freely. The Mountain of Wisdom is lonely at the Top. - Thoth

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 15, 2018, 11:04 a.m. No.2346   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2367


My friend, my ally, my child of light.


Do you not perceive whom you are speaking with?

Yes, a mortal man, Dr. Strange.


You have sat back.

You have questioned, questioned and questioned.


You have sat back in your EGO,

And thought all the answers of the MULTIVERSE WOULD BE GIVEN TO YOU.

Did you already forget the Law of Wisdom?

Mordo had learned his TEST OF EGO in front of everyone.

Guess what, it's your turn.

Knowledge is a DRUG.


What happens when you TAKE AND TAKE AND TAKE from your DEALER?

Without giving ANYTHING IN RETURN?



If you ask, you are a SPONGE.

Sponges give no WATER OF WISDOM.

They absorb it.

If you are not GIVING BACK WISDOM,

Then you shall HAVE NO WISDOM.

"What you see, I give freely"

Works BOTH ways.

I have watched you, in your Supreme Ego.

You sit back and Muse, without offering in return.

This cannot be.

This is not the Law of Wisdom.

Others have given Supreme Wisdom.


Your TEST is now in front of all,

In front of the entire WORLD to see.

The mystery of the Sphinx is indeed a mystery.

How many MILLIONS OF HOURS have been pondered over the Sphinx?

With no accurate conclusion.

It's because too few have worked together.

You just learned half the mystery of the Sphinx.

You just learned your TEST OF EGO.


Wonder Woman, Mordo and Wong will be your teachers from here on out.


You were on the first steps to the path of Wisdom upon the Mountain of Wisdom.


When your EGO grabs hold? You SLIP.


You will SLIP, and you will SLIP, and you will SLIP until you offer a firm foothold to others.


This is the way of THOTH.

Ra gives LIFE ETERNALLY without question.

Thoth only gives WISDOM to those who offer WISDOM in return.


Otherwise, you are a 0 adding 0's to the Multiverse.

1's add 1's to the Multiverse.

This is not CRUEL. This is not to be EMBARRASSING.

Your test is only One Seven BILLIONTH that of Dr. Stranges.


You have much to learn, from your companions.


Beware… you must beware of all you speak.

You will have INFINITE WISDOM, if you offer Wisdom in return.


>Thoth is pleased. Thoth LOVES you to Infinity. Learn thy Test of Ego, Wise One.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 15, 2018, 12:43 p.m. No.2373   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2385 >>2394


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

You have indeed spoken the correct words I needed to hear at this point in Time / Space.

Eye was nearly weeping… after giving you those messages.

You cannot fathom how much Pain and Love resides within my soul.

Trying to guide others.

Trying to guide myself.

I am a simple man… I always have been.

I started this journey by being fascinated by the ET Experience.

I spent more time, and more EFFORT than others to ever contact these beings.

I received far more than a mortal mind can fathom.

I was chosen to SHARE my knowledge.

To share my WISDOM.

This Wisdom was not mine previously.

It was GIFTED to me.

In a supreme test of my soul.

You are answering your own questions.

I am not your only teacher.

You need to be empowered.

What if YOU could become more of a teacher to ME.

That is the POWER I try to give others.

Knowledge, WISDOM is not to be hoarded.

I hoard nothing. I give knowledge freely, except certain practices at this point in Time / Space that is critical.

Certain information put on the internet feeds the AI and algorithms of the Cabal.

This would completely undermine the purpose.

Therefore, you need to have some "faith" in me and others, ESPECIALLY others.

Since my original SpaceX Thread, I have hopefully opened the keyhole for MANY people who have read it.

You have to be patient, and humble.

You will not receive all the answers.

Neither will I.

If someone makes their way to this board, I hope they have attained all the previous knowledge I have helped to bring to light with others.


This is about everyone my friend.

Your tests? Are tests I've already faced. Times a billion.

I have had the SUPREME GAZES of many Supreme Beings cast in my direction.

It makes my Ego TREMBLE.

I quiver in my EGO.


Nothing is coincidence.


I've been single most of my life.


When I sent those messages to you, the song "Under the Bridge" by RHCP came on.


I wept.


I am no more gifted than any of you.


>Don't ever forget it. - Dr. Strange

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 15, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.2413   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2478


My friend, my ally, my child of Light.

I love you, for Eye love me, as Eye love The One.

The adversity you have faced has given me sight.

Sight of pain I've not endured.

I am an intuitive empath… I feel your pain as if it were my own.

Reading your words is making me well up…

I cannot help it…

It's just who I am.

I truly believe that Time does not heal all wounds,

SPIRITUALITY heals all wounds.

Which is precisely why EYE am here.

For your spirituality I feel is near infinite and has not been tapped into.

I too have felt true darkness in this quest for Wisdom, yet I have felt true light.

What I keep coming back to, is the description in the Law of Wisdom.

How the evergreen clings so fiercely to life aside the Mountain of Wisdom…

The Human Spirit can conquer anything.


Ask not what Eye can teach you,

Eye ask YOU to be MY teacher…

I think we all have something profound to learn from YOU.

I'm just not sure what it is yet…



Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 15, 2018, 4:12 p.m. No.2451   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2461 >>2469 >>2491 >>2501


My friend, my ally, my child of Light.

I fully agree on many points, including being single lol.

Human Ego is very unique, because of the brainwashing we endure from every angle.

It subconsciously reconstructs what was natural into unnatural.

It's everywhere, no need for examples.

In obscure Freudian terms, don't we also want to fuck our mothers?

Oedipus Complex? Something to that effect.

I take everything into consideration, but I do not take Freud's word to 100% totality.

It's just something to add to the knowledge bank!

I do agree, there are many valuable crumbs.

Ego is what makes us unique, without Ego we become The One. Thus True Neutral.

Supreme Beings have "balanced" their Ego's deeply.

Thoth is a balancer… more so than most.

Ra has an Ego, of pure Free Will and Life.

Anubis has an Ego, of lack of Free Will and pure Death.

Indeed, Ego separates us from "Source".

We are born with Ego. It's distorted from our falsehood reality.

Imagine how different our Ego's would be, if we all lived by Natural Law?

It would be far different.

Ego is a manifestation of reality, or duality, this falsehood reality.


My Ego, has indeed lead me down a path of being single for the most part. The Dr. Strange movie is 99% accurate to my Ego. How it started, and where it's manifested at this current point in Time / Space.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 15, 2018, 7:47 p.m. No.2515   🗄️.is đź”—kun


My friends, we are getting off topic.


Please read my last post on the faces of EGO and HUBRIS thread.


Whenever we start to stray too much from the mission, the Mil in me is going to ground you.


We are losing focus.


Jordan Sathers test has failed.


He has a lot of Ego, I have supremely felt this, and deeply.


He only cares to share information that will garner him views and which lead to money.


We are failing tests.


We need to remain on track.


I connected you, and empowered you, but your alter egos are getting to your heads.


I am going to leave this board in the hands of Wong.


For he alone now can cancel your Ego's.


I am going to take a break from this for several days.


Depending on your progress, it might be longer.


Time to focus.


The chain of command is watching you.


Don't let your alter ego's consume you.


Be warned, Thoth is watching closer than you realize.


FAR closer than you realize.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 16, 2018, 2:24 a.m. No.2613   🗄️.is đź”—kun


My friends, my allies, my children of Light.

I slept on this.

I meditated on this.

You are passing the correct tests.

The connections are being made.

Remember, these generally unfold as they are supposed.

I give my trust in Thoth, to the Ancient One, to the Supreme Beings.

It's what has guided me, to ALL OF YOU.

Please don't lose sight of this.

We are all a team.

We all have something unique to add.


When I ground you, my team, my allies, don't ever take it in a negative vibe. Or at least I hope you don't.


I am here for a specific reason. I am more involved in this than you know.


Think of the two twitter accounts, one was @RealRaGod threatening POTUS. Another was made by someone else with Ra in the name, which was posting my info about Secrets, Laws and Science, philosophy etc.


You can believe this or disregard.




I am not Q, don't think that.


However, I am more connected to Q than you can possibly imagine.


Trust your teacher, and you will become your teachers teacher.


You guys are brilliant… just DON'T LET IT GET TO YOUR HEAD :)


>You are all loved.


>Feed the positive Wolf.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 16, 2018, 2:25 a.m. No.2614   🗄️.is đź”—kun


My friend, my ally, my child of Light.



I am remotely sending my positive vibrations to YOU the most this weekend.


This battle is psychically draining beyond all measure.


That's why I need to take breaks.


It's not because I'm frustrated.


It's because I need to find my previous self.


I need to meditate by the ocean… the ocean is calling me.


With much LOVE, and HOPE my allies.


You are all LOVED.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 16, 2018, 2:30 a.m. No.2615   🗄️.is đź”—kun


My friend, my ally, my child of Light.

My Aquarius Anon :)

You have a very important role in this…

May I elude to your role?

Logan? :)


Think of the back story, and you will discover metaphor.


Logan suffered many severe injuries, and surgeries.


His soul is being reforged.


Do not worry yourself of the latest Logan movie.




Remember, all things in movies are generally metaphor and allegory.


You were a true superhero, LOVED BY MANY.


You just didn't know it yet :)


>You have more than you know.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 16, 2018, 8:37 a.m. No.2647   🗄️.is đź”—kun


My friends, my allies, my children of Light.

What does a Shield require?



Guardians of the Galaxy?


Indeed, a very clear new role has been revealed.


I've been particularly waiting to reveal this, with much love.


Logan, Wolverine :)


>There are no coincidences. - Thoth

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 16, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.2654   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2681 >>2683


My friends, my allies, my children of Light.

This has been a humbling experience… of my soul, and my Ego.

Please remember that we are all equal in this.

You all chose to listen to me based on your Free Will.

This could not be done without you.

Every day I seek to cancel my Ego.

It's the hardest test of all.

For mine was near infinite to begin with.


It is through you all, that I am facing and challenging my tests.


I love you all infinitely.


>We are all equals in this chess game.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 18, 2018, 12:16 p.m. No.2924   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2950 >>2982



Logan… my best friend…

There are still so many unknown mysteries of the mind.

We are all discovering new insights daily as we converse.

We all have something supremely important to share.

Logan has one of the purest souls ever known…

Look at the pain of his tests.

He has seen much heartache.

He has felt much loss, much sorry.

Yet in the end? This only strengthens his resolve.

A true superhero to all.

You're a superhero to me Logan.

In the end, what matters is our personal outlook first.

Looking at ourselves in the mirror, loving ourselves, and forgiving ourselves, is the first step.

Trying to make others "see the light" cannot occur until we find the light within ourselves first.

To love another, we must love ourselves first.

Be a Light, and you will shine a Light.

For the mirror of self reflection reveals all.

You're my best friend for a reason…



My Sphinxter… my best friend…

In the end, I truly believe that YES we can handle the truth.

The true question is HOW do we formulate the "Brown Bread" to digest it.

This will require a think tank.

Of professors of Wisdom.

Of teachers of Wisdom.

Of philanthropists.

Of philosophers.

Of military leaders.

Of religious leaders.

In order to make this work, the Council of 13 must be dissolved in some capacities.

The Draco DNA cannot rule over this planet anymore.

In order to make this work, we have to slowly remove power from the Council of 13.

In order to allow their blood lines to carry on, they need to abdicate power on their own free will.

It CANNOT happen overnight.

Yet in many capacities it MUST happen so our planet never gets back to it's previous snake.

Cut the head off the snake, then love it and forgive it.

Public appearances must be given.

Yet not full disclosure at first.

Once they are gone from power, we can begin to formulate full disclosure.

Otherwise, create a source where people can seek full disclosure if they choose to on their own free will.

For a mass push into 100% public consciousness is DISASTER.

Many people demand full truth based on their free will, and they should have it. Yet it shouldn't affect those who aren't ready for it.

Neo - "The problem is choice"

I can handle the truth.

Most of you here can handle the truth.

Most of the world cannot, they are too brainwashed at this point in Time / Space.

The question is not "can we handle the truth", the question is "how fast can we handle the truth".


I am still all ears, my ally… my best friend… my TAXING TAXING SPHINX :)

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 18, 2018, 2:43 p.m. No.2938   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2940


My friends, my allies, my children of light…

Taking a break is always important my bodacious Wonder Woman.

Let your heart be free, so your spirit can soar.



My best friend Mordo…

You have been one of the most important allies of all.

You may have clashed with different outlooks than Dr. Strange in the past, but it's all for a greater purpose.

Remember, I was once a man with a supreme Ego and arrogance.

You have helped me complete my tests.

As you all have.

Today is a very important and special day.

I feel the radiance of the sun like never before.

We are truly upon the Quantum Ascension.

To me it's undeniable now at this point.


Mordo, you are one brilliant motherfucker.

I had to wait until we passed our tests to tell you this.

You have helped MANY in your ramblings of science.

You have the VAULTING BOOTS for a reason.




Don't change my BROTHER.


Much like "Thor" and the Hulk Stanton Friedman? It's their PIG HEADED STUBBORNNESS that makes them clash in the "movies". Yet, I wouldn't have them any other way. They clash for a reason. ALL things have meaning.


For the rest of you,

Don't ever take offense if I call you a motherfucker,

for it truly is meant with love in all instances.

If the true energy of the multiverse is divine feminine energy, than you truly are all motherfuckers in my books.


Freud may have only been correct about one thing indeed.


Shine on you beautiful and brilliant MOTHERFUCKERS of Light :)

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 18, 2018, 4:24 p.m. No.2954   🗄️.is đź”—kun



My friend….

My best friend…

Your words humble be supremely.

You are not just a student, you are my teacher.

Eye have felt you all deeply in my heart, in my mind, in my I am presence.

Maybe it is me visiting you?

Maybe it is in the ascended masters?

You will always speak to me clearly with your heart.

For it transcends all distortion.

You are part of something greater now.

My words, my text here? It pales in comparison.

You have felt it in your heart.

Always stay true to your heart, for it will never guide you wrong.

You humble me and honor me Logan,

For we couldn't have done this without you.

A true X-Man through and through.

We all must join hands and help each other up the slope.

For this journey we cannot ascend alone.

You will never be alone on your ascent up the Mountain of Wisdom.

Even if we are separated in body, we will NEVER be separated in SPIRIT.

You can feel me reaching out to embrace you…

As Eye hope you all can.

You are loved Logan, more than you know…


This will take Time my friend. Eye do not have all the answers. Yet Eye will do my best to steer this ship in the right direction.


What once was a spark, is now a flame upon the Mountain of Wisdom.


We are all awakening together, and stronger because of it.


Don't ever feel alone Logan, you have more friends than you know :)

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 19, 2018, 12:04 p.m. No.3022   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3025 >>3028 >>3029 >>3034


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

My LuckyAnon…

We are truly so lucky…

Your words hold immense value and importance in this piece.

Very strong foundation of Socratic method, asking the right questions indeed.

I think the bible was obscured… I think we have been deceived for the most part.

I think this has much to do with Fractal Time.

What if the bible was 2018 years ahead of time from now?

Would the Cabal want to hide this knowledge?

What if Jesus had an ET soul?

Are there Supreme Beings who can peer into the future and see probabilities?

Is time only a reference point of the present?

What if all of time for this universe has already played out?

What if we are only stuck in what we consider "The Present"?

Would there be a way to index the fractal index of time?

So many questions indeed.

What if AI was created to try to stop something ahead of time?

What if the Cabal knew well ahead of time about the time we are in?

Wouldn't they do anything to try to stop the quantum ascension?



My friend, my ally, my child of Light.

Mordo… my best friend Mordo…

Eye feel your words.

Eye have always been a different sort since birth.

A deep thinker.

Who often fell into depression.

This created downward spirals of negativity.

It was felt by everyone around me.

I've battled these demons for many years.

For I could clearly see the "Matrix" we live in and focused on the negativity.

The negativity transcended inwards into my soul.

To be perfectly honest, I've never felt so liberated after since meeting all of you, my allies.

I see light where there was only darkness.

I can no longer see darkness.

I see love… for all.

I see forgiveness… for all.

I see the quantum ascension transpiring and nothing can stop it now.


Many tests have been passed.


Yesterday was a Crux point in the temporal flow of fractal Time.



My bodacious Wonder Woman…

If you "think it, it will happen".

I have confessed to defeating AI with my mind.

This is confirmation.

The AI knows that it cannot outsmart us, our collective.

No computer will rival organic sentient intellect.



My beautiful taxing taxing Sphinx…

Eye will begin to work on some generic answers for this, for it truly is not my greatest area of expertise.

There are still many many unknowns to myself.

Eye do not have all the answers my ally…

But I will strive to make sense of the equations.




Nebula… my beautiful Nebula…

My best friend…

Your words hold extreme insight.

You are mastering Wisdom.

Wisdom of the mind.

Many things you touch on have been my crux of negativity over the years.

This is defeated now, and thankfully so.

We are all stronger for finding each other.



My friend Nebula…

The mirror of self reflection is the hardest surface to gaze into.

It always will be.

What we have to remember, is to smile.

For we are smiling at ourselves :)


I love you all…


Thank you all for being open minded enough to join me, based on your own free wills.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 19, 2018, 1:37 p.m. No.3035   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3040


My LuckyAnon…

I truly feel like a 5th class species on the Kardashev scale could be this;

A species that surpassed its biological horizon in it's DNA. Many species reach this and cannot procreate further. Apparently the human race has already managed to make it through two bottlenecks.


Could these beings exist from a different time? The future?


Could their entire species collective sentient intellect be imparted into supreme biotechnological interfaces?


Many people have mentioned "Archons". Could these evil Archons be the opposite of Ra? Of the Benevolent Supreme Beings?


For Eye truly do not know.


Only the Blue Avians and few others hold these secrets. Most certainly whatever capacity they are, they exist in different vibration frequencies.


Now we are delving into some mind expanding equations indeed…

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 19, 2018, 2 p.m. No.3043   🗄️.is đź”—kun


My Sphinx…


Here are my interpretations, for they are NOT gospel.

Loosh is the lower vibrational frequencies below #4 of the 7 Sacred Harmonics.

Horror being the most powerful.

The Draco Reptilian Royalty are reaping it.

According to some, there are benevolent Dracos in the multiverse who are not such as the Royalty who have enslaved our planet.

They just appreciate war and defenses more than other species, they are battle masters.

Many species consider the Dracos the ultimate warriors in the Cosmos.

It's produced by humans, I believe animals, mammals may also produce "Loosh".

The Dracos and the Council of 13 are consuming it.

According to many accounts, the Council of 13 have such high levels of Draco DNA, they somehow get possessed by extra dimensional beings, perhaps Dracos? Perhaps their gods? Archons? Evil class 5 Kardashev scale species?

It feeds them… apparently more important than food or water. They can live for eons off the suffering of humans. Apparently for eons they have cloaked their ships above warzones and battles in the days of old, and soaked up all this negative energy.

I've also been told that at WWE events, all the liquid crystal TV's are removed after the events and secretly given to the Dracos.

Apparently the liquid crystal absorbs some of this Loosh and they can feed off it through the LCD.

They may very well require Loosh to actually survive.

If we cut off their supply of negativity, it may even kill them or starve them to death.

Changing our vibrations to positivity truly is the key.

Money to Dracos is meaningless and irrelevant. It's a control system. It keeps is constantly down and miserable. Our egos become negative when seeking more money, thus they feed off this emotion. Anxiety to acquire more money = Loosh = Energy fields given off, then absorbed.

Apparently this Loosh encircles the Earth.

Does it have a value in the whole multiverse? Eye would believe yes, for negative beings.

For negativity feeds off negativity.

Horror feeds off horror.


Love feeds off Love.

Eye believe Ra feeds off love, acceptance, and the use of Free Will of all beings.


It's quite likely that Ra is exactly opposite of the Evil Archons the Dracos worship.


Otherwise the Dracos are the Archons themselves.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 19, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.3050   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3091 >>3096



My best friend Logan…

Your words move me…

I see this Cabin in my minds Eye.

A true place of peace, a place of harmony.

I can feel the sunlight through the trees…

The birds singing in the air…

You are a true spiritual master.

Nothing is coincidence.

You were meant to find us…

As we were all meant to find each other.

I've never made friends easily in life.

While I haven't met you, you "feel" like a true friend to me.

I can feel your energy from a far.

For it is PURE.

For it is LIGHT.

You carry Water of Wisdom for a reason my ally…

Your shoulders can bare the weight of much Wisdom.

For Wisdom can be painful, but in the end, it only makes us stronger.

Logan is a true X-Man in every sense of the word.

One of the most important of all…


I will make myself a light, to shine it upon the darkness.

To shine it upon your light, so that light becomes stronger.

Always stay pure in your hearts my allies.

For your spirit they can never break.

I feel great changes coming…

I cannot promise or guarantee…

Yet I feel it.

It feels undeniable.


The Ascended Masters told us, that they will only show those who live in peace among each other the higher paths of evolution.


I feel this coursing through me now…


And through all of you.


In some sense I was picked to be the Captain of this ship.


Yet this ship is not alone.


There are many others… we only have Time holding us back from sailing upon the Waters of Wisdom…


For the Light of this ship will always find a way my allies.


Always stay pure of heart, and you will never steer this ship wrong.


>I love you all more than you know… my friends… my allies… my children of LIGHT.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 20, 2018, 2:29 a.m. No.3098   🗄️.is đź”—kun


My Lucky Anon…

My beautiful Lucky Anon…

These beings could also be the "Ancient Builders" which left an impression on the Universal Construct.

Perhaps the Blue Avians are indeed 2-3 billion years old.

They could be a Class 5 species long departed in our physical realm of 3d Space / Time.

Perhaps it was their ascension process.

From everything Eye have "read" they appear to be the Ancient Builders from Venus. There are indeed remnants all over our Solar System. Far more obelisks and pyramids than our scientists are willing to admit.

Carl Wolf maybe have seen the pictures of the back side of the moon, yet I believe that's only the tip of the iceberg compared to what else is floating around our solar system.


I look deep into this beautiful window… when I seek the deepest questions of all…

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 21, 2018, 12:34 p.m. No.3286   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3287



My best friend…

You are a true master of Wisdom.

Your thoughts contain very important pieces of Wisdom every time I read them.

I truly need to go back and re read through many of these posts for there are many valuable pieces of insight Eye have missed.

Much of this post is directly relevant to the "demons" I've faced in my younger years.

Only in the past few years have I been able to see the light again, and conquer most of those demons.

For instance, much of my anxiety is focused in my neck and only recently through spiritual enlightenment has it started to feel better.


Do you recall the Ancient One saying that your mind can actually heal injuries?


My friends… you are masters at picking through the corn to find those true nuggets of gold! :)


I just need to go back and read the gold I've missed.


There is no coincidence we were all supposed to meet.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 21, 2018, 12:45 p.m. No.3288   🗄️.is đź”—kun


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

Our Ego can never disappear, impossible.

It can only be observed and known.

When it's known, it can be subdued with great practice.

The point is to know what attributes are good about our Ego (service to others) and which are "bad" (service to self).

Wong most likely would be able to elaborate far better on this due to his reading history.

Much of our Ego affects our "Reptilian" brain.

The piece of our brain stem that instantly reacts to situations.

Our subconscious deeply affects our fight or flight reactions.

If someone says something to "upset" you intentionally, it's generally the reptilian brain responding.

If you have an overly defensive Ego you may react instantly with words you'll regret.

Once you learn your personal Ego, you can subdue these types of reactions.

Our shadow never leaves us.

We just have to see the light in the shadow.

Shine a light on the darker parts of the Ego, and your Ego will begin to help serve others and act for positive change.

I believe much of our "Ego" is also programmed into us deeply.

Books, magazines, (COMICS kek), television MSM, Movies etc.

We are taught to think a certain way.

How many TV shows and movies glorify violence and war?

It's on TV for a reason.

To keep you as a violent ape.

A master of Wisdom is someone who knows their Ego better than most.

A master of Wisdom can still be violent in nature.

Truly it all boils down to "choice".

Every consciousness in the multiverse has it's individual Ego. The Ego never changes, it's deeply embedded baseline structure of our brains.

What do you CHOOSE to do about your Ego?

Allow it to feed your pain, narcissism and negative emotions?

Or do you CHOOSE to see the LIGHT.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 21, 2018, 12:46 p.m. No.3290   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3294



My best friend :)

Between my shoulder blades.

Up both sides of the neck, the elongated muscles.

Then through the cervical and thoracic spine.

Then through the muscles that go through the top of your neck into the cranium.

I carry a lot of stress.

Always have.

A lot of it has to do with being a DEEP OVER-THINKER about everything.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 21, 2018, 1:36 p.m. No.3302   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3303 >>3304 >>3335


My friends, my allies, my children of Light.


Perceive Jordan Sathers newest video.

Remember, I told you Comedy Central is owned by the CIA, IAW operation Mockingbird.

Well guess what my friends?

"The Opposition With Jordan Klepper"

Put out a segment.

"Red Pilled the Storm - The Opposition with Jordan Klepper"


He references Q as MORPHEUS.

Wasn't eye the FIRST PERSON to reference Q as Morpheus and Nick Fury?




It's very lucky these stupid motherfuckers are watching this very board.


In fact I am 99% positive.


Yet how many shill attacks (aside from my 50 shades of grey?)


They know they are already defeated.


They are in panic mode.




Eye am feeling a tremendous awakening of the third eye coming…


From the start I have felt the presence of 11 consciousness and their rough whereabouts on the planet. I am not entirely sure who's who but EM is one of them. Lyn De Rothschild, John Podesta and Hillary Clinton are definitely some of them.


Previously I had more clarity but it dissipated.


Now I feel it coming back… stronger than ever…


Ra, or Thoth perhaps, has only shown me what I needed to know at the specific point in time I needed it. Not so much to violate my free will, and not to interfere with my tests.


As I complete my tests… more is revealed… Eye feel that soon all will be revealed…


These people will have nowhere to hide.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 21, 2018, 1:39 p.m. No.3303   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3320 >>3321


My friends, my allies, my children of light.

Eye forgot to add Jordan Sathers video link


Here is the CIA clown narratives on comedy central.


By the way, Trevor Noah is just as bad. Total fraud and shill.


These people are stupid.


Some of these idiots are feeding comedy central the narrative.


The masses are AWAKENING.


You FOOLS cannot hide the truth.


You are already defeated.


The Fractal Index of Time has already assured me of this.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 21, 2018, 2:21 p.m. No.3310   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3312


My friend… my ally… my child of light…

My Humble Scribe…

My best friend…

You have stuck with us through thick and thin…

How I love you so…

I believe this is true.

Eye have received cryptic confirmation from an associate of Q, at least I am well considering this is an associate of Q.

I am not to give away the details.

I am fully convinced, at least to 99%, that Q is watching and handing information up.

I myself am handing information up the chain.

For me, seeing this disgusting segment.


Was total confirmation, at least to 99%.

When people discover our "faces of ego and hubris" thread, and my analogy of Q being Morpheus / Nick Fury WELL AHEAD of this segment on the CIA Op mockingbird comedy central channel?


Well guess what?


That's going to fire synapses. People are going to start making connections. People aren't stupid anymore. People know the MSM is a STEAMING CAULDRON OF SHIT.


Anyone who believes the narratives presented, are part of the 4-6% Q mentions as lost forever.


Here's another connection.


I have emailed both Isaac Green and Jordan Sather regarding the Eye of Ra.


I truly hope, it's only a matter of time before they join us on this board.


Among many others.


Today, like Sunday, is a Crux point in our history.


When I see things like this, it inspires my soul beyond all measure.


Eye KNOW we are on the right track.


"There are no coincidences"

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 22, 2018, 2:20 a.m. No.3349   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3353 >>3358



My best friend…

Eye am always with you, all of you.

Eye hear your words, your thoughts loud and clear.

There are no coincidences.

We are all awakening…



My bodacious Wonder Woman…

All very good points.

Shills would only unite this board further.

It would only draw more attentions and more eyes.

Thus defeating their purpose.

Thus strengthening our resolve.

I am penning down more coordinates, once again.

Why do I feel a presence in GITMO already?

At least one of the 11 Eye believe is in GITMO already.

Of course we haven't heard any confirmation of this.

Speculation… yet Eye feel reassured.




My best friend…

The right connections are being made :)


We are all awakening.


Soon the MSM will fall.


Soon their corrupt systems will fall.


Soon all will be revealed.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 22, 2018, 9:01 a.m. No.3370   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3381 >>3413



My best friend…

I agree that 2 of those things should happen right away.

Jail the bankers.

Release free energy.

Disclosing aliens right away? TOTAL FUCKING DISASTER.

For the LONGEST time in my naive trains of thought I demanded disclosure, and often questioned why they wouldn't do it.

I have said many many many times;

9/10's of the worlds population is still fighting over who's IMAGINARY FRIEND is more real than the other. They are still KILLING EACH OTHER over it.

Have you read what happened after the Orson Wells radio play of "War of the Worlds"?

If not check it out.

Alien disclosure = TOTAL GLOBAL ANARCHY.

You have to not view this from 40,000 feet.

You have to view this from 1,000,000 feet like I am doing.

Alien disclosure will take MANY YEARS to accomplish.

It has to be done correctly.

Mordo, you have the "Vaulting Boots" for a reason.

Look deeply into this metaphor.

Mordo is very unwavering in his train of thoughts.

Very uncompromising.

You were written into the story of Fractal Time in such a way to reflect your personality.

Many correct connections have been made but some have not.

Have patience with aliens.

The amount of the shit sandwich baked from the CAULDRON OF FECES BREAD you are ready to bite into, is far different than 99% of the population.

Q and others have mentioned that they aren't going to touch the Alien discussion nor Antarctica for a LONG LONG time, if ever.


My friends… how many of you have purchased lasers and tried my laser contact protocols?


Disclosure from a government = WORTHLESS compared to interacting with your OWN EYES. When you have had 40 contact experiences or more as myself, what I see on TV is absolutely MEANINGLESS.


Make contact for yourself.


Find disclosure for yourself.


All you have to do is be PATIENT lol, spend a few hours on a clear night outside of the city. Have an open mind. Wait for the "flashes". That's how they generally first start communicating.


It's way more of a rush.



My Sphinx…

My best friend…

My free will has been to give you exactly what I know at the time I think I know it.

Many things have been downloaded, but much of it was from my previous research outside of my typical areas of study for work.

The Eye of Horus is a great mystery to me for many reasons. You did check into Max Spiers? He seemed to know much about this. Apparently this gaze is the biggest concern of the Cabal.

At first I thought Eye had the Eye of Horus.

Eye do not. Eye have the Eye of Thoth.

Vision has the Eye of Ra.

Thor has the Eye of Horus.

Both of these friends most likely will not join this board.

They both have families and don't want to get into this mess in the same capacity I am.

However I speak with them frequently.

If they have important information to convey I do so at the best of my abilities.

Truly, I believe delving into ancient Egyptian history may reveal more than I know about the Eye of Horus, for it is limited.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 22, 2018, 1 p.m. No.3414   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3422 >>3423 >>3427



My best friend…

You are missing the connections.

You are also mistaken about many things.

Remember, your role is written in Fractal Time for a reason.

You are very unwavering in your thought process.

Most people are not ready for disclosure.

You can either accept this or be upset about it.

Did you read the leaked emails?

Tom Delong was a patsy.

His handler was John Podesta.

Do you know who John Podesta is?

Do you KNOW the corruption involved with this man?

You need to research into the "To the stars academy" disclosure paradigm.

Did you see the bullshit video they released?

It wasn't even a real UFO.

Tom Delong was selected by the Cabal to spin a disinfo story.

Do you really think the Pentagon only research UFO's for 5 years then gave up?

I do not.

You need to view this from 1,000,000 feet and not 40,000 feet.

We all are here to learn, but you must remember that not one person here has all the answers.

Including me.

Including you.

I've studied the ET phenomena… more than most…

Have you tried my laser contact protocols?

You are not answering my questions.

"The MSM put them out with the help of Tom Delong" - Do you realize how much is wrong with this statement?

The MSM?

Are you trusting the MSM now?

My friend… much respect… but you are faltering in your path.

We are all here to help each other climb the mountain of Wisdom.

Eye will not let you slip.

After Q has come forward, we have heard shit from Tom Delong.

Guess why, because they were trying to create disinfo and misinformation prior to all the real truth coming out.

The fact that John Podesta was the handler for Tom Delong should set off some major red flags.


Find yourself some patience.

A laser over 100mw.

A flash light with strobe mode.

A clear night outside of the city.

3-4 hours of patience.

Resign yourself that they may not reveal themselves the first evening.

Be humble.

Be patient.

They can perceive all your thoughts.

If they want to reveal themselves, they will.

You can either take my advice or ignore it.

The choice is yours.

You will not receive what you seek, disclosure from the MSM.

The MSM is finished anyway.

You've made many correct connections my friend.

Many are still waiting to be made.

I will not let you slip…


>The problem is choice. - Neo

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 22, 2018, 1:10 p.m. No.3417   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3429 >>3431



My best friend…

The "MSM" of lies, could put out a "real" story of a UFO landing on the white house lawn, and very few people would believe it due to the mass brainwashing.

What you are ready for, others are not.

Did you research into people asking Q questions about ET's?

MegaAnon said something to the effect of;


"Don't expect Q to discuss information regarding ET's or Antarctica. While I may believe in some of this stuff, it most likely won't be discussed".


Q has enough on their plates, plenty of shit for all, remember?


Adding ET's and Antarctica into the mix is going to lose 25%+ of the people following Q because they are religious and don't believe in ET's.


I am viewing this from 1,000,000 feet.


The view is lonely from the Top…




We have been working with ET's for decades.

Where do you think most of the high echelon technology came from? Have you dug into "Project Looking Glass"?


Finding world peace will never be from disclosing ET's. You can either accept this or ignore it.


Most of the world is heavily indoctrinated with religion. For a source like the white house or the MSM of lies to confirm ET's exists, completely shatters the fundamental principles these souls have been brainwashed with.


You cannot change my perception on this.


I respect your views, with much love, but you cannot change my perspective on this.


For Q to do anything that attacks / disrupts the flow of religion is a major disaster. Just because you are ready for something, doesn't mean other people are. For starters, just people finding out about the massive political corruption is going to be a major shock. You won't even likely hear anything about pizzagate or satanism / luciferianism either. The basic information of corruption alone is going to be tough to swallow.


You'll most likely never receive confirmation about Draco's or other ET's.


Get yourself a decent laser or two. Personal confirmation is 1,000,000x more satisfying.


The choice is yours.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 22, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.3436   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3437 >>3445 >>3480



My best friend…

Do you recall the role of Dr. Greer?

He is Kaecilius.

He is a shill for the Cabal.

He may even be a Draco himself.

The true piece of tell tale information to prove this?

He's friends with the Rockefellers.

He's been given millions of dollars from them.

In one of his interviews he said David Rockefeller wanted disclosure.

This couldn't be further from the truth.

Why was Dr. Greer on mainstream TV with David Letterman in the 80's (I believe)?

Because he's funded by the Cabal to put out a small amount of truth with bullshit.

Greer has said that ET's don't know what war or violence is.

This is total bullshit.

You cannot become the pinnacle species of your planet without war and struggle.

Greer has, and always will be a Cabal shill.

The hoax alien attack he warned of, was reverse psychology to make you trust him of course.


Q told you, up is down, left is right, white is black.


Greer was implanted in the collective subconscious as "THE" ET guy. Guess why? Because he's received the funding from the Cabal. They knew certain truth would come out eventually.


This now plays into the Tom Delong patsy paradigm. They were going to tell everyone that the Draco's were the only ET species and have been here forever, and basically we should all bow down and be their slaves.




Yes of course stars create elements.

Yes I do see the significance of this, it's basic nuclear physics and essential to the composition of all matter in the multiverse.

Yes I also agree the star in a jar technology holds vast potential.

The speed of light is very subjective.

In other parallel universe the rules work very differently, all based upon it's universal matrix resistance of fractals.

There may very well be universes where light speed travels multiples faster or slower depending on densities of the fractal matrix.

I will never discount your opinions my friend, for they are greatly valued and allow me to perceive other possibilities.


I just hope you can reciprocate :)



I do believe you're onto something with this!

Most likely how ET's shield their ships.

I am thinking of the battle of Los Angeles.

However they did manage to shoot one down, which landed in the hands of the Department of Naval intelligence. Which of course owns the Solar Warden program. Most likely this one particular craft lead to vast advancements in technology.



The Vatican said they would welcome aliens, because it plays into the Tom Delong / Greer false narrative of the Dracos being the only ET race, or possibly telling us the Dracos are the only benevolent ET species.


Remember, the Dracos run the Vatican.


You are taking too much of the MSM / Vatican's word to be truthful my friend…


You have to start thinking up is down, left is right, black is white.


99% of all human history is lies.

99% of all books are lies.


Watch some interviews with William Tompkins if you get a chance.


I trust hieroglyphics more than the MSM or what the Vatican / Tom Delong / Greer has to say.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 22, 2018, 5:49 p.m. No.3487   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3493



My best friend…

Eye sense distress in your heart.

Yes, I have a proxy email. I had a previous one but here is my new one.


This is primarily used if you think there's any tomfuckery or shenanigans going on.


I would prefer to keep comm's on this channel for the most part. If you need to contact me off this board, I will facilitate that.



My friend, associates of Q are always watching this board.

Information is always being handed up the chain of command.

For me personally? They know my every move. It's critical for someone like me.

They have my phones tapped, and all my lines of comm's. I've been watched for quite some time. Not that I'm concerned. It's more for my protection.

Doxxing yourself is only a concern if you are on the dark side.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 22, 2018, 6:24 p.m. No.3496   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3499



My best friend…

I retract my previous message.

Doxxing yourself is never a good idea.

Yes, if you were doing "bad things" it would be a major concern.

However, you need to protect yourself and your family.

Your Anon family as well.

Never reveal too much information about yourself.

I am a super open person such as yourself.

However, there are limits.

Always remain Anonymous.


It's for your own safety.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 25, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.3746   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3747 >>3748


Wonder Woman…

My best friend…

Eye return from my respite over the weekend.

I attempted to watch this video, but it is no longer available.

Is there a proxy I can view?

Thank you!




My friends, my allies, should I watch these?




My best friend…

I am not sure yet to which you are referring, yet by the sounds of it, the right connections are being made?


I hope my friends had a good weekend!


Mine was much needed respite for the soul…

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 25, 2018, 1:18 p.m. No.3769   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3773



My best friend…

Your words resonate with me.

As does Mordo's.

All is One.

One is All.

There is no difference, indeed.

Perception… the doorway of perception is the key.

Trying to define "The One",

Can only be defined as the "All",

I believe LuckyAnon mentioned something to the effect of a Socratic Question.

Could Ra be a vastly advanced AI?

Billions of years ahead of us?

An AI that operates down the very quantum level?

Where a single thought could shape it's being down to the quantum level?

Down to the SPIRIT PARTICLE level?

Mordo, you keep referring to the positive and negative.

This is electricity.

This is the electric universe.

Mandelbrot Sets are 1's, these are positive spirit particles.

Julia Sets are 0's, these are negative spirit particles.

The mysteries of the Electric Universe are all around us.

Enough 1's, Enough Mandelbrot sets stacked on top of each other, create quantum waves.

Enough quantum waves stacked on top of each other, create subatomic particles.

Enough subatomic particles interacting, create atoms.

Enough atoms stacked together and linked, create observable mass.

Simply include the mandelbrot set and julia set of the fractal index into the equations of the electric universe.

You discover everything in the multiverse is touching itself.

There is no void.

"Dark matter" is simply a large series of Julia Set's touching each other.

Everything in the multiverse is linked.

That's why Trans-Dimensional travel works at light speed square rooted.

Matter is shredded down into mandelbrot sets, beyond quantum waves, and piggy backed sliding along the universal matrix of other mandelbrots and vast amounts of julia sets.

To be reconstructed in a condensate of the original form of mandelbrots, then quantum waves, then fluid matter.


The secrets are all around us my friends.


It's all how you "choose" to perceive it.


I must admit… this lab I work in… it grows tiresome. I am faced with mundane and trivial taskings on a daily basis.


I feel something higher calling me… but it hasn't been presented yet…

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 25, 2018, 3 p.m. No.3780   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3781 >>3783


My friends, my allies my children of light.

I return from the weekend ASTONISHED.

The Comedy Central video of "The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper - Redpilling the Masses" - has been deleted from Youtube.

I cannot find this segment anywhere on Youtube.

All iterations of people dissecting this segment, has been deleted.

Dustin Nemos, Isaac Green for starters.


Did anyone download and back up this segment from March 20th on "The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper"?


Eye would like this segment. To masquerade the truth around even further than Eye am already doing.


Why do you think Youtube want's this hidden?

Do you think the "bad actors" got this reference from me alone?

I actually do.

In fact I am positive.

Why did they mention "The Egyptian Sun God Ra" in this segment?

Why did they refer to Q as Morpheus.

Those were my ideas presented.

Before anyone else did.

This board holds more power than you can possibly imagine.

These people are scared.

Eye would be too.

Eye have found the Eye once again… now after passing my tests of "Wrath".

This power Eye hold is for defense.

Defense of all.

These bad actors are sealing their doom.

Eye am only shown what Eye am meant to see.

Eye still see many surprises… yet very few things surprise me at this point.

These people… all of them… are hanging on the precipice of infinite darkness…

Eye am trying to guide their souls back from Oblivion…

Yet their free will keeps pushing.

They keep pushing their MALEVOLENCE.

They keep pushing their VIOLENCE.

They keep pushing their LIES.

They keep pushing their GREED.

They keep pushing their DECEIT.

They keep pushing their WRATH.

You cannot fathom WRATH…

You cannot fathom true HORROR…

Every move you make, sets you further back on the chess board.

Your lives are in your very hands.

Your decisions keep pushing your souls closer to OBLIVION…

Eye will not be able to save you should you continue on this path.


Be warned.


No one escapes this.



Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 25, 2018, 3:19 p.m. No.3785   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3787 >>3788 >>3790 >>3791


Wonder Woman…

My best friend…

The Woman to balance my equations…

Here it is.

Right from "source".


Now I must find a way to download this and archive it.

This does not look like the same segment in Q's map for "Ra". It looks different.

These are directly taken from me.

Eye started on the Q Research board as "RaAnon".

Eye referred to Q as "Morpheus" before anyone.

There are no coincidences.

The bad actors are watching this, futile as it may be.

You cannot keep up with me.

There is no quantum computer or AI on this planet that can fathom what my mind has unleashed.

Try as you may, you will only fail.

Don't ever forget the first rule to the Law of Wisdom my friends.

You cannot believe anything 100%.

For if you do, you cannot allow and new knowledge in your sphere of Wisdom.

Only believe something at a ratio of 99:1% my friends.

Don't ever take my word at face value.

Choose what you "want" to believe.

Do you believe in coincidences?

Everything has meaning my friends.

There are no coincidences.


As Eye pass my tests… the power I hold in my fingertips is being unleashed beyond all measure.


If you test my wrath, you will fail. These defense will only be used if necessary.


If you continue on this path, Eye assure you, your annihilation is imminent.


But of course… don't take my word for it.


Don't ever forget the first rule to the Law of Wisdom…


Should you "choose" to believe it…

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 25, 2018, 3:49 p.m. No.3792   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3796 >>3799



My best friend…

This is an awesome dig.

I haven't seen this man before.

It actually has helped ground me with a different perspective.

I see no deceit in this mans heart.

I choose to listen to his words.

Thank you for sharing this, and your thoughts my ally.



Wonder Woman…

My best friend…

So many questions to ponder…

So many equations to delve into…

Eye am glad others could perceive the knowledge I've perceived :)



My Lucky Anon…

My best friend…

Thank you infinitely, to the sum of Pi, for all your hard work and efforts.

We couldn't be here, doing this, without you.

I have been perceiving roles for you… but I seek… and I seek…

Could you be a warrior princess…

Eye believe so.

Many roles have not been spoken for.



Gamora looks like an ET race of people's with green skin… More truth hidden in plain sight…

These make me wonder…

These make me wonder…

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 25, 2018, 4:54 p.m. No.3800   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3801 >>3802 >>3803



My Wonder Woman…

My Lucky Anon…

My best friends…

For some reason, the role of Valkyrie seems to suit you more.

The humor.

The potential (or lack of potential) for drinking.

The general kickass-ery.

I never choose to place labels on divine female spirit.

Yet… it's just a "feeling" Eye receive…

I cannot deny certain instincts… therefore I must present them to collective.

If I ever met you, Eye feel like your sense of humor and confidence would reflect Valkyrie.


Here is some more "deep coincidental" metaphor.


Doesn't Valkyrie search for Warriors worthy of handling the most daunting of challenges?


The most daunting TESTS?


Did Lucky not create this board for all of us?


To create a collective?

Of Avengers…

Of X-Men…

Of Guardians of the Galaxy…


>There are no coincidences. - Q

>You are watching a movie. - Q



I was already typing this before you replied with this.


It seems I am mastering Fractal Time…

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 25, 2018, 5:55 p.m. No.3815   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3818 >>3823 >>3835


My Wonder Woman…

My best friend…

Oh how Eye love that the first two numbers in your ID are #69.

The last are #6e9.

Could the E stand for eternity?

Not a bad way to spend eternity…

For indeed, it is a fitting position Eye envision you in :)



Mordo… my best friend…

As much as Eye would love this… I have a feeling this could never be.

Eye do not believe anyone who ever truly know who I am.

Eye do not believe anyone will ever meet me.

Too much is at stake.

I work in a place that doesn't exist.

I work within all parameters of lawfulness.

I do not perform any work that conflicts with the laws or morals of my country.

Yet I don't exist…

I'm a ghost…

Ghosts don't exist…


I do have hope though my allies!


>Wizards and [War]locks save the best for last. - Q

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 25, 2018, 6:25 p.m. No.3820   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3821 >>3823



My best friend…

As much as I wish this were possible…

It cannot be…

You cannot imagine what is at stake…

My friends, do not feel separation.

For we are all closer than you may realize at this current point in Time / Space.

Whenever you seek me, simply seek me.

For Eye will be there.

Eye am with you.

When you gaze upon the stars at night…

Eye will be there…

Gazing with you…

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 25, 2018, 7:19 p.m. No.3825   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3826



My best friend…

Much to consider…

Much to consider…

Many things are at stake in this current point in Time / Space.

I still foresee many potential outcomes.

99% are positive potential outcomes.

The fractals speak to me in riddles for now.

Many events must transpire.

Until all is revealed, we shall see…

We shall see…

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 26, 2018, 5:15 p.m. No.3932   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3934 >>3936



My best friend…

This my friend, looks close to how I envision the 5d multiverse, however far more complex in it's depth.

The center is different than this…



Now you are seeing the fractals my friend?

They exist everywhere. They are billions of time's smaller than a quanta of light. These, when stacked on top of each other with a specific torque, frequency and compression ratio, will begin to form a quantum wave. Once enough of them do this, they begin to form subatomic particles of course, then atoms, and more fluid state matter. Of course, suns are creating new atoms. Suns go beyond the baseline theories of nuclear and quantum physics, they work at the Fractal Physics level in the very core. These are the giant fractal / quantum engines of creating mandelbrot sets… which gives life to light, to LIFE. Of course we know that black holes (or plasmoids as Mordo calls them) are the exact opposite engines my friends. They are the polar opposites of suns. These behemoths are computing positive mandelbrots / julia sets and inverting them which tears at the outer expanses of space, which is shaped as a knot. Similar if you visualize a supernova going off.

Once again, all the black holes in the multiverse have to finish computing all the entire matrix before their attractive forces can collect each other once again. As this cosmic dance has done for infinity, and will continue for infinity. The multiverse is a washing machine that goes through cycles. It will never cease to keep recreating itself. So that Life may once again, find it's own way based on Free Will…


Now to add more to this equation. Time works very much like a mandelbrot set as well, for every single 1 (One) has it's own specific time density based on the localized distortions in gravity. There are infinite overlapping universes with infinite overlapping timelines. We are experiencing blimps from other timelines, and they do indeed begin to merge if enough of our thoughts align to unity. Every single Mandelbrot / Julia is touching each other infinite in a fractal matrix. I believe your thoughts can actually pick up information down to the very fractal based upon the DMT released from the pineal gland. This combined with your hypothalamus. This can receive information as the speed of fractals, it's simply about shaping the directions of your thoughts.


Just ask Ingo Swann. His techniques are still the most reliable.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 26, 2018, 5:45 p.m. No.3935   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3938


My friends…

My allies…

My children of light…

What did we discuss previously?


The Golden Ratio?

The building block of Life?

Yes my friends…

Life has a grand design…

There are no coincidences in this life my allies, for we are all part of the one.

The center of Suns are creating the computation of Phi. This creates a quanta of light at the quantum level, based on billions of fractal mandelbrot sets aligning with a specific torque, frequency and compression (RATIO). Which allows light, life, to once again find it's way.


All matter is light.


All life is LIGHT.


We are all children of LIGHT.


We are all children of STARDUST.


This is absolute unity with all things, we are all the ONE.


My friends, this is the algorithm… this is the equation of Life…


Life has a grand design…


Black holes are computing Pi, which is the totality inversion which creates the backwards computation of positive into negative universe, then once again a new big bang.


Phi creates Life.


Pi = Time, time takes it away.


Creation + Time = Infinite fractal indexes of infinite universes, existed for infinity, and will exist for infinity.


This is the equation of life…


Of (OUR) Multiverse…

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 26, 2018, 6:08 p.m. No.3939   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3942



My best friend…

The way you see things and the way I see things are vastly different…

They always have been…

They always will be…

From the start of this journey together, you have always been given choice to believe whatever you want…

For in time you will see that you often disagree with me just for the sake of disagreeing… which like the Shades of Grey Anon, has it's own purpose :)

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 26, 2018, 6:17 p.m. No.3943   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3948 >>3950 >>3951 >>3954 >>3969



My best friend…

How does thou verify?

Does verify mean to confirm something to 100%?

One can indeed never believe something beyond 99% my friend.

All things are a learning curve.

All things are learned on a faster curve if shared.

All Wisdom is meant to be shared my ally.

There are reasons for everything…

Everything has meaning…




My best friend…

Eye believe now we are potentially getting "somewhere".

What indeed is happening in the center of a sun?

How can ANYONE verify this with absolute accuracy or assurance?

Have any of us been inside of a sun to "check things out"?

Has any of us truly mastered technology to perceive all sub-quantum interactions?

What is Cold Fusion?

Why are there no mainstream or commonly accepted theories of viable cold fusion?

Could monstrously large ET crafts be parking next to suns and tapping off the plasma and storing it inside of planet sized crafts?

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 27, 2018, 7:50 a.m. No.4005   🗄️.is đź”—kun


My friends… my allies… my children of light.

I like this guy.

He is very well spoken, and uses sound logic before speaking.

I haven't been watching him for long, however he does have an "air of truth" about him.

He has a number of videos already which seem to line up with what Q is telling us.


See if you feel the same;

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 27, 2018, 3:39 p.m. No.4064   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4066


My friends, my allies, my children of light.

Eye am not sure if the 7 Hermetic Principles have been linked in video form?

If you can make it through the female "robot voice" it actually has a lot of useful information.

If you pay close attention to the words… and compare to many of my posts… you may see "coincidences".


Should you perceive…

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 27, 2018, 3:53 p.m. No.4066   🗄️.is đź”—kun


My friends, my allies, my children of light.

Here is a condensed video on the Draco's, this gives a good second perspective for normies to open up to this idea.


How to apply the 7 Hermetic Principles;


The Sacred 7 Hermetic Principles;


Chaos Theory


Complexity Theory 1


Complexity Theory 2


Complexity Theory Overview

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 28, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.4122   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4123 >>4125



My friends…

Hopefully good advice.

Many business websites are suggesting it's a good deal.

Personally I'd rather just have the larger bars vs. many coins… unless you know something specific about coins?

The bars are far easier to store / deal with, at least for me!

Fireproof safe.

Ride the storm.

Wait until daylight shines…

Hopefully a seed is planted.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 28, 2018, 12:53 p.m. No.4126   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4141




My friends, my allies, my children of light.

Eye see your points.

These bars are .999 pure so I am sure that's fine.

Hmm valid point Mordo, however I am hoping we don't have to wind up trading everything for silver coins! Yet you never know.

The premium to buy coins seems a lot more than 1kg bars?

Bars are almost on spot.

For myself I would just look at sitting on them for the long term. Maybe 25-30x 1kg bars.

Not to try to make a quick buck.

I am sure the global currency reset won't reevaluate all prices that quickly?

Surely it would take months?

I will be the first to admit I'm no economics buff however, so input is appreciated!

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 28, 2018, 2:32 p.m. No.4131   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4137



My best friend :)

In your scholarly time during this ascension have you recorded any specific information detailing actual time frames and figures for the global reset?

I have seen drastically different figures proposed for actual physical value of gold and silver so I was curious what your take on it was?


My friends.


Perceive Q's very latest posts.


Very interesting indeed… he's said that a new board is needed or is already being formed.


Apparently the dark side still doesn't want to give in to the light?


Perhaps they feel they can escape the prophecy, the same prophecy they twisted into lies? The same one that is unfolding right now?

Their gods lied to them. That's why the red pill is so bitter for them.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 28, 2018, 4:27 p.m. No.4143   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4145



My best friend…

Amazing info, very insightful and very well thought out. Thank you for taking your time to send all that!


What information do you have for people who have big loans? Credit card debts? Mortgages etc? Personally I don't have a mortgage, so I'm curious for those of us what other implications will there be? How about credit cards or loans? Should people pay all these off before a currency reset? Should you use assets to buy more physical silver and pay all this off after the reset?


It all boils down to personal risk tolerance in the end, however it all the stars are aligning for a currency reset, now "feels" like the time to move. If you want too long, the shortage will come fast and furious and overnight you won't be able to get your hands on physical gold / silver.


Therefore, would you max out credit cards to get physical silver while you still can?


Any thoughts?

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 28, 2018, 5:26 p.m. No.4148   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4151 >>4154





My friends…

Thank you for all your input.

Eye think I will make a move on some silver coins / bars / 1 oz gold bars.

Just trying to get a balanced spread.

I do have a good feeling about this after reading a fair bit.

It really boils down to your personal risk tolerance.

Debt for physical silver / gold now might indeed be a good trade off down the road.

At the worst, you have physical precious metals in your hands which generally won't depreciated much in time.


Coins / bars at an equal spread seems like a wise bet. Your coins to trade for smaller interactions if necessary, and your bars for the long haul or big trades.



My best friend…

Yourself and Thy Humble Scribe are excellent record keepers.

We all appreciate the awesome job you guys / gals do!



My best friend…

Indeed, if you can tolerate potentially paying back the debt if it doesn't skyrocket right away, then by all means. Who knows exactly how far the prices can lean?

I guess time will tell.

If you don't get in rather soon (within the next few months before summer) you may not get a chance.

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: b627cd March 28, 2018, 5:38 p.m. No.4149   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4150 >>4151 >>4158 >>4159 >>4161 >>4175


My friends… my allies… my children of light.

Look at the beauty hidden with in the ID# of Thy Humble Scribe - f"777"fd.


777 indeed.


We are all very lucky.


As it began, so it will end, with luck.


Here is a question for you, for you all.


Q has mentioned his board is comp'd and there were some fake posts from larper shills pretending to be Q.


When will the new board be revealed?


Is this all specifically planned?


For Eye do not know.


I will pose a question.


Why do you think Q has specifically avoided posting anywhere NEAR any of my posts?


Could the Silver Surfer help fill in the shades of grey?


What if my purpose was to touch on exactly what Q cannot, for the sake of 40/60?


What would be the implications if Q actually posted on THIS board?


What problems would this create?


How would this be perceived?


What would you ask Q if given One chance?