Lucky anon!!!
Thank you so much for your intuitive wisdom and leading us here to this cozy board right at the exact moment it needed to happen!
As for you scattered thoughts, I say share on!!! You never know what your mind will spark in some else’s or how that could encourage some one else to post that feels ‘scattered’.
Trufully the FOMo comment was sparked by something Wong anon wrote earlier this morning and by something I read on the qresearch board (ias a general rule it’s best to ignore that which strikes you with fomo) we really are all working together!!!
Can I share how you helped me already when I felt “stupid” about something I posted a couple days ago in regards to us working out our Gender understandings… I was even considering deleting it from the board ….. ah, ego!
when fellow ladyanon said she just trying to avoid the tits or GTFo comments, I returned with what I felt was general support for a sis and a thank you cuz she had complimented my rhymes… later I realized it could “read” like an exasperated bitchy lady being like ‘those fuckin fellas amiright!’ (That was not how I meant it)
Anywho! You made that rad comment with the Mordo photo of titehs and hulk and put my heart at ease…cuz duh! BOOBIES!!! Who doesn’t love them! they are awesome. I was actually thinking about how to assuage the heaviness of that whole convo with some levity but you did it for me! So thank you!
Thoughts are not local!! We are indeed working together!
Also thanks Wong anon and to you for the awesome Music thread!! GREAT idea!!