AntMan ID: dc6842 Naccals March 26, 2018, 12:23 p.m. No.3872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3875

This is starting to come together in me.

I'm feeling a wave that I can't explain. I'm so excited.


Naacal is the name of an ancient people and civilization first claimed to have existed by Augustus Le Plongeon and later by James Churchward. Though there is no scientific or archaeological evidence for the existence of the Naacals, various later fictional works have made use of them.


The existence of Mu was already being disputed in Le Plongeon's time. Currently scientists dismiss the concept of Mu (and other alleged lost continents such as Lemuria) as physically impossible, arguing that a continent can neither sink nor be destroyed in the short period of time required by this premise.[3][4] Mu's existence is considered to have no factual basis.[5][6]


In volume 2 of "The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East," Baird T. Spalding makes this remark about the 'Naacals':


"The teachings that Buddha received came from the same source as did those of Osiris but in a different way. The teachings that Buddha contacted came from the Motherland direct to Burma, brought there by the Naacals. Osiris' teachings came direct to him, as his forefathers lived in the Motherland and when he was a young man he had gone to the Motherland to study."


David Bruton, Spalding's biographer revealed in "Baird T. Spalding As I Knew Him" (IEP, 1956) that Spalding's books were a magical autobiography and essentially fiction. Therefore, the inference that the Naacals themselves are a fiction or modern myth is strengthened.


According to Churchward, Mu "extended from somewhere north of Hawaii to the south as far as the Fijis and Easter Island." He claimed Mu was the site of the Garden of Eden and the home of 64,000,000 inhabitants – known as the Naacals. Its civilisation, which flourished 50,000 years before Churchward's day, was technologically more advanced than his own, and the ancient civilisations of India, Babylon, Persia, Egypt and the Mayas were merely the decayed remnants of its colonies.


Churchward claimed to have gained his knowledge of this lost land after befriending an Indian priest, who taught him to read an ancient dead language (spoken by only three people in all of India). The priest disclosed the existence of several ancient tablets, written by the Naacals, and Churchward gained access to these records after overcoming the priest's initial reluctance. His knowledge remained incomplete, as the available tablets were mere fragments of a larger text, but Churchward claimed to have found verification and further information in the records of other ancient peoples.


His writings attempt to describe the civilisation of Mu, its history, inhabitants, and influence on subsequent history and civilisation.


Churchward claimed that the ancient Egyptian sun-god Ra originated with the Mu; he claimed that "Rah" was the word which the Naacals used for "sun" as well as for their god and rulers.

AntMan ID: dc6842 March 26, 2018, 12:27 p.m. No.3873   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I love you Wonder Woman


Your kind words drive me.


My little friends are everywhere, hopefully they don't bother you too much in your car.

AntMan ID: dc6842 Naccals/Mu March 26, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.3875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3877 >>3878



James Churchward (27 February 1851 – 4 January 1936) was a British occult writer, inventor, engineer, and fisherman.



Fishing Among the 1,000 Islands of the St. Lawrence (1894)

A Big Game and Fishing Guide to Northeastern Maine (1897)

The Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Man (1926)

Copies of Stone Tablets Found by William Niven at Santiago Ahuizoctla Near Mexico City (1927)

Books of the Golden Age (1927)

The Children of Mu (1931)

The Lost Continent of Mu (1931)

The Sacred Symbols of Mu (1933)

Cosmic Forces of Mu (1934)

Second Book of Cosmic Forces of Mu (1935)


Churchward is most notable for proposing the existence of a lost continent, called Mu, in the Pacific Ocean. His writings on Mu are considered to be pseudoscience.[1][2][3][4]


Augustus Le Plongeon's description of the Naacal Edit


The first recorded use of the term "Naacal" is contained in Augustus Le Plongeon's work from 1896, "Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx." From pages xxiii - xxiv of the preface:


"Perhaps also will be felt the necessity of recovering the libraries of the Maya sages (hidden about the beginning of the Christian era to save them from destruction at the hands of the devastating hordes that invaded their country in those times), and to learn from their contents the wisdom of those ancient philosophers, of which that preserved in the books of the Brahmins is but the reflection. That wisdom was no doubt brought to India, and from there carried to Babylon and Egypt in very remote ages by those Maya adepts (Naacal - "the exalted"), who, starting from the land of their birth as missionaries of religion and civilization, went to Burmah, where they became known as Nagas, established themselves in the Dekkan, whence they carried their civilizing work all over the earth."


According to Augustus Le Plongeon, the Naacals were the missionaries of Mayan religion and civilization. Le Plongeon advocated that the original, great civilization was in Central America which contrasts with Churchward's view.


Augustus Le Plongeon (May 4, 1826 – December 13, 1908) was a French-American photographer, amateur archeologist, antiquarian and author who studied the pre-Columbian ruins of America, particularly those of the Maya civilization on the northern Yucatán Peninsula. While his writings contain many controversial notions that were not well received by his contemporaries and were later disproven, Le Plongeon left a lasting legacy in his photographs documenting the ancient ruins. He should also be regarded as one of the earliest proponents of Mayanism.


Theories Edit


By the 1880s, while most Mayanists accepted that the Maya civilization postdated Ancient Egypt, Le Plongeon stood by his theories. He cited his years of fieldwork and studies of archival sources, and challenged those he considered "armchair" archaeologists to debate the issues. But as evidence mounted against cultural diffusion, Le Plongeon became marginalized and his theories falling further outside the growing mainstream of Maya archaeology.[1]


Le Plongeon insisted that the symbols of Freemasonry could be traced to the ancient Maya, and that this ancient knowledge had come to ancient Egypt from the ancient Maya by way of Atlantis. He and Alice constructed an imaginative "history", with the Maya sites in Yucatán being the cradle of civilization, with civilization then traveling east first to Atlantis and later to Ancient Egypt. The Le Plongeons named kings and queens of these dynasties, and said that various artworks were portraits of such ancient royalty (such as the famous Chacmool, which the couple excavated at Chichén Itzá). The Le Plongeons reconstructed a detailed but fanciful story of Queen Moo and Prince Coh (also known as "Chac Mool") in which Prince Coh's death resulted in the erection of monuments in his honor (similar to the commemoration of Prince Albert by Queen Victoria).[2]

AntMan ID: dc6842 Naccals/Mu March 26, 2018, 12:53 p.m. No.3877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3879



Richard Sharpe Shaver (October 8, 1907 Berwick, Pennsylvania – November 5, 1975 Summit, Arkansas) was an American writer and artist.


I want to thank editor Ray Palmer, in whose "fiction" magazine, Amazing Stories, the stories in this book were


p. 3


first published, for his open mind and for the way he has received the things I have told him in addition to what I have written in this story of Mutan Mion of ancient Lemuria. It began when he published my ancient alphabet in "Discussions" 1 and requested the readers to carry out checks of their own. I myself did not realize the extent of the alphabetic (more properly phonetic) language. But surely there must be tremendous significance in the fact that the alphabet fits into every language to which it has been applied, to the amazing percentage of 75% in the German to 94% in the ancient Egyptian! Even in Chinese and Japanese it ranked consistent nine out of ten times.


To me it is tragic that the only way I can tell my story is in the guise of fiction. And yet, I am thankful for the opportunity to do even this; and to editor Ray Palmer I express my unbounded gratitude. I know that if even a few of you go to the lengths he has gone to check many of the things I remember, a beginning will have been made to something, the ending of which (if ending there is) awes me beyond my poor power to express my feelings.






3:1 January, 1945 issue of AMAZING STORIES. Some of the reports by readers were subsequently published, but the great majority were not. These reports proved to be the most amazing the editor has ever received on anything published in his magazine. They would seem to indicate beyond all doubt that the "ancient language" of Mr. Shaver is part of an original "mother tongue" from which all Earthly language, have sprung. For example, the name Mutan Mion, broken down into the letters and sounds of this ancient language becomes MU—"man"; T—"integration," "growth"; AN—"animal." MION means "manchild seed." So the name means "man spore cultured to new forms by integration growth forces." In other words, a synthetic mutation by the use of force or rays.—Ed.

AntMan ID: dc6842 Naccals /Mu March 26, 2018, 1:04 p.m. No.3879   🗄️.is 🔗kun



An excerpt from I love Lemuria describing it.


I roamed the culture forests of Atlantis, 2 which is the name for Surface Atlan. Sub Atlan is just below Atlantis, while Tean City is located at the center of Mu, at a great depth below Sub Atlan. The walls of the great cavern in which Tean City is located are hardened to untellable strength by treatment with ray-flows which feed its growth until it is of great density. There are many other cities which grew


p. 9


through the centuries to vast size, but none so great as Tean City. Some are abandoned, but all are indestructible; their cavern walls too dense to penetrate or to collapse.


Since Tean City is located near the center of Mother Mu, gravity neutralizes itself by opposition. It is very comfortable. Many of the Titans live there, and in fact, it is almost a Titan city. There also are the mighty ones, the Elders of the Atlan race's government. Huge they are, like great trees, many centuries old and still growing. I had long wished to see them, and now that I had decided to go, the thrill was greater than any I had ever experienced, I was going down into the city of many wonders!

AntMan ID: dc6842 Coincidence I think not March 26, 2018, 1:16 p.m. No.3880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3882



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Ant Spirit Animal Totem: The Collective

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

-African Proverb




We are each individuals within a multitude of individuals. Ant medicine asks how do you set yourself apart to express the uniqueness of your soul? Does your uniqueness bring you a greater sense of community or has it caused a painful isolation from those who want to care and support you?


An ant alone covers about five eighths of an inch of Earth. She is tiny. Ant in her colony can cover miles of land and can strip a crop in a matter of minutes. Her visible teaching is the age old wisdom of power in numbers. If Ant medicine has marched into your life, this is no time to go it alone. The task at hand is much, much bigger than you so let go of any need to claim personal credit for what the collective enables you to do. As humans, we have the capacity to learn anything. But we can not master everything. Mastery comes from focus on a clearly defined specialty. Choose which hat you want to wear and share the rest of the wardrobe. Healthy group dynamic occurs when each person involved understands their specific field of experts and graciously yields to another when their specialized knowledge reaches its limits. In this way all are equal leaders serving the function of the larger event unfolding. Watch the end credits of a movie and you will see Ant Medicine at work.


tumblr_inline_mfvn0w77i51qmovziAnt lives in underground mansions of astounding architectural skill and detail. Her medicine teaches us that what you see ‘top-side’ in your life is directly caused by conditions below the surface. Our conscious minds are filled with content from the multi-chambered resource of our sub conscious mind. Ant invites you to improve subconscious conditions by journeying down into the powers of the insect nation. She is an invitation into the depths of the riches within, but unlike Bear, who enters her cave alone, Ant suggests you travel together into the Great Mystery so that conversations can be your learning tools. The conversations will be strange and unpredictable. But such is the effect that insect energies have on mammal energies.

AntMan ID: dc6842 Corey Goode March 26, 2018, 10:49 p.m. No.3973   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3969 love these numbers


^^^^ I'm going to take this as a sign to research Corey Goode, on a side note he has my EYE's, really he does it's like looking in a mirror, even my girlfriend said it.


No coincidences


I love you Mordo! I love you Wonder Woman!