Onward and upward into the morning,
free flash,
O Soul, to the realms of Light.
Move thou in Order,
move thou in Harmony,
freely shalt move
with the Children of Light.
-_- humbled. thankful.
Onward and upward into the morning,
free flash,
O Soul, to the realms of Light.
Move thou in Order,
move thou in Harmony,
freely shalt move
with the Children of Light.
-_- humbled. thankful.
Experience the dawn with me, my friends and allies.
Experience this piece of heaven as you begin a new day full of promise.
Alexander Sheremetev
"Now the powers of Heaven"
Now the Powers of Heaven do serve invisibly with us/
Lo, the King of Glory enters/
Lo, the mystical sacrifice is upborne, fulfilled/
Let us draw near in faith and love/
And become communicants of life eternal/
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
I am struggling, my allies.
How do we get real truth out off of these boards and into the day to day?
It seems as though I have to choose between having friends and being real.
I am still searching for the kinship I find here in the real world.
I have come to expect some form of solitary existence because of my thirst for truth and desire to look beyond the surface, but at times it is painful to experience.
Is keeping contact more important, even with people who are closed off to the greater realities? Or is it too much of a drain to be away from kindred souls?
Is it just the gasps of my ego that feel slighted when truths are ignored?
Thank you my friends.
I am looking for how to spread the light.
I have felt this, thank you for sharing.
It takes practice is all I am tell you.
A useful tool may be to respond to an accusation with "when you__, I feel _. What I meant to express was _.
The heat of the moment can be very difficult.