My friends, my allies, my children of light.
My bodacious Wonder Woman…
"In order to understand the present we must visit the past"
My friends, who has heard of the Great Library of Alexandria?
Did it burn down?
Did the WTC's on 911 "burn down"?
What if I told you the Great Library was stolen by the Cabal and put under the Vatican.
Among with other treasures of the highest magnitude.
What if it was burned down not to hide the knowledge,
But to hide the fact it was stolen and relocated.
Truly these people are evil.
To my Sphinx…
Admitting we don't know something is one of the hardest tests of the male Ego.
Admitting we don't want to spend effort to learn something is even more of a taxing feat.
For avatar name fagging? In some cases its critical.
If I know who I am, I choose not to hide in the shadows, like Strider… Like The Silver Surfer… Like THY 50 SHADES OF GREY ANON.
I find myself in the light.
So I step into it.
I choose to remain in the light.
Pure of heart.
The key is to remember the shadows never left you.
They are always there waiting to fall back into.
The shadows exist for a reason.
To give meaning and purpose to the light.
I believe the Arcturians have purpose.
We can ask questions and sponge all day.
Sometimes we need to be squeezed and let some of our Wisdom be released.
We need to work together.
My sponge…
My Sphinx…