The wheel turns o'er the ashen fields
of man's achievements and exploration
broken swords and twisted crowns which none wields
mark the lands of his desecration
This place yields nothing to him alone
who wanders willfully blind through this zone
Symbols and sigils talk to him not
if only by the arrow of dark he was shot
Eternal shame on who blinds himself
and takes his ego to be his true self
The truth shows only to those who will see
and not those who look and think themselves free
That truth does not show is not just your fault
unless it did and you chose the assault
of truths you don't like so they may be buried
even if you did so to stop the mind from being worried
And who are you my great proud lord
that you demand of me to go overboard
because your men tore a hole that let's in the dark
You would do so yourself if you really would be
as you claim: a shark, in the deepest of sea
What shark lives on land, what pig wears a suit
Only one who has eaten of the forbidden fruit
So let us rejoice for we are all mad
And it is better to laugh than always be sad