>Imagine if the highest chain of command was watching this very board.
>What if Generals and Admirals were being given posts shared here.
>Would this expand your perception?
There are many things that would impact the "System" and cause improvements for some, but declines for others.
Many things will adjust the condition of humankind, but I believe there must be a change at the core of our species.
I place these links as to THREE posts I created last week in the SpaceMan thread. Cross Board, sorry…
Let's follow a possible outcome. Q overthrows the Cabal. Are the existing power structures kept? If you look at the Q General Board and the attitude of the general population, we are in trouble.
People are not inherently bad, they are just part of a system and that is all they know and build their context from.
There must be a shift at a fundamental and foundational level. If the general population were to overthrow the current powers that be without a suitable replacement structure, we will have utter chaos and destruction worse than our current situation. Some would win, but many would lose.
If I was talking to a Leader or a General/Admiral, I would point to the root of the issue. Information and knowledge are hoarded for personal gain. Secrets upon secrets upon Lies, upon deception with bits and pieces of truth. This is monetized in our financial world. I Control because I have money and information. That is a self-referential system. We ALL play that game and we know where it leads. Some win, many lose.
There is a reason this is in the /TruthLegion/ board. Free sharing of Truth, information, knowledge will undermine the foundation of the monetary system. Infomation I have I share freely because it is not mine, it is ours.
Now a small sidestep…
There is a lot of talk above about Names above, contracts etc. Elevate your perspective and look at the way names currently work. Surnames are passed along, there are lineages and bloodlines. Keep tracing those bloodlines back…..WAY BACK, BIG BIG PICTURE.
I am a Clinton, a Rothchild, a Hitler, a Socrates, an Einstien, a Tesla, a Pope, a Caveman… We have a common Lineage and Family.
We are hoarding knowledge from our Family. We are dominating, killing and abusing our family.
What IF people started to realize that the golden rule is the only rule.
What you do to one you do to all.
Where One goes, We go all.
Universal Love. I choose not to steal from my family but to give and support.
Anywho….off to do worldly things for a time.