Hello my friend,
it is really a major problem that the biggest part of the sheep really want to stay in the matrix.
Most people are programmed to fear any kind of big changes in their life, in their believe and in their moral and integrity.
They searched and found their role in life already and they want to hold on this no matter what it cost.
So and this is paramount:
WE have to change the world and their reality to a better place to live in without questioning personal opinion, free will and religion - if we can. But how can this become reality?
WE have to focus on natural law on acceptance of everyone and the most needed topics of the sheep:
financial safety if they have a job already + ban of financial interest
as less as possible external influence (msm-lies; bureaucratical things, admiral law)
they just want to live their life and feed their children
But how can we obtain this?
With great power comes great responsibility.
We can not just kill everyone we do not want for the new era or who is just against us.
How can we change the future without oppressing the wishes of the counterpart?
We can not ignore the free will of the normies.
And i want to add some thoughts on the anon-community.
The percentage of truth-seekers who really want to know the truth will find it anyway also without an new youtube or community-channel.
And according to the third group of awakening-starting-anons that we want to reach maybe the best way it is just to ask the right questions and let them research the obvious facts.
That was the way you started on qresearch board and so you attracted the most of us.
That is the main reason why i struggle to give nice input on the topic of forming a new news-channel so far.