Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: 6aea37 March 19, 2018, 3:41 p.m. No.3054   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Humble Scribe…

My best friend…

You are a genius, through and through.

Many connections have been made.

You created more.

In order to catch the normies, it must catch the eye.

These certainly do.

You are a Master at what you do.

I lack these kind of crafting skills.

My big mouth is the only tool Eye have :)

Draco's should indeed be included, just to pique the interest if souls choose to seek.

We can all reasonably surmise at this point, that the quickest way to turn people off, or scare them, or make them think this is "crazy" is to include REPTILIAN ALIEN OVERLORDS.

Yet, I am firm believer, for those who truly seek… there should always be a crack through the door to see the light.

No matter how blinding the truth may be.


Indeed, you have much to teach me.


To teach all of us.


Eye am going to think about how I can add to this.


The past few days have been liberating yet very draining for me.


Few can understand. I may not be posting as much, but please do not think I'm not here in the "present".


I've just been collecting my thoughts… For there are many…


The weight of Fractal Time on ones mind… can be overwhelming…


Thank you for all you do, my best friend. You give me strength more than you possibly know…


My Humble Scribe :)