This article is really good a lot of thauce in here! Here is a piece of it.
This has been proven beyond doubt in metaphysics; no one doubts anymore that the Orion Queen is embracing the Divine Feminine and that the Sirians are Patriarchs; we only have to go to the Bible to find that out, and if we want to use metaphysical evidence, we have almost all channeled material and Sitchin's books to refer to.
On these matters, I think most of them are in agreement.
The question is, why exactly is there such a tension between the matriarchs and the patriarchs? Why have so many people died in the struggle between these polarities? Don't we smell a bigger story behind that? I certainly do, and will do my best to answer this question throughout the papers in 'Level II'.
For serious reasons I will go into more in details later on, the Sirians have a strong interest in keeping us in the dark regarding the feminine side of life, and therefore we can expect that information coming from them are mainly with the purpose to deceive or mislead.
Here is the link