“The people draw near unto Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips: but their Heart is FAR from Me. But in vain (futility) they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men (hell fire, immortality of the soul, Sunday sacredness, Free Will – and many more false doctrines of man).” Matt 15:8-9
BIG problems with this statement. I do not believe Free Will to be a false doctrine.
Because God’s plan involves calling MANY, but choosing only a FEW – at least in this eon.
liking this….I am wary of being "chosen" i CHOOSE to be chosen.
Maybe this eon, it wont just be a FEW but MANY!
Also alot of MEN statements in all this, ready for a new era! new ear?
Wasn't Mary Magdaline one of the disciples?
I am pretty sure she knew what was up.
Thanks for these new paths of understanding, opportunities for digging, cometanon!