Regardless of the seemingly irrefutable mountain of evidence that prove all jews are dirty kikes something about goyim shekel shekel.. I get it, (I think, if I read this wrong, I apologize) I used to have a little anti-semitic streak in me as well.
Yup teeny tiny, little.
But ask yourself, would Christ have been anti-semitic, had he been alive during our time?
Honestly ask yourself if the answer is not already obvious to you.
What is love?
What does it mean to live like God? To live as if you were Christ himself?
Would he blindly put out blanket statements condemning an entire ethnic group of people? Regardless of their sins.
My earthly father, who is one of the most devout Christians in the most fundamental way that I have ever met. A true “God fearing” man.
Even if we disagreed on, shall we call it “Semantics” when it came to our living as a righteous man, it was hard to deny he had me in spades, no contest.
Also, my father also thinks highly of Israel, and Jews as a people in general. Furthermore, he applauded Zionists.
He and I did not really get along there for a minute lol
But I finally opened my heart to exploring the question that seems so obviously naive now: “Is being or feeling anti-semitic justifiable in any way, i.e. WWJD?”
This is my personal opinion, and it’s not one I really share because a lot of my opinions on the matter are still forming, so just a disclaimer:
I felt like giving Revelations a spin so thats what did. By the way, yea the “ears/hear” things only comes up a handful of times in the Gospels but did you know it comes up pretty much every other verse in revelations? (approx).
There are alot.
Anyone out there, try praying for wisdom, meditating on it, and reading Revelations.
Understand that Revelations is a Gnostic Text that somehow managed to “sneak” into the “official” bible.
Are there any coincidences?
Is Revelations about us?
What is a “church”? Ok what fucking ELSE is a church? I can do this all day. Excuse my French.
Anyways, the Jewfags, yes.
Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
So the REAL enemy, as delineated by “SS”, excuse me “SoS”, are Jews, that say they are Jews, but also lie, and are not. Jews.
You can talk how parables are so great all day, THAT right there is a crystal clear message. I would love to see someone try to find a “alternate” interpretation to this verse right here.
Actually no I do not, be careful what you wish for.
I feel that the people we call “Jews” today have gotten a pretty rough deal. Not only did they unwittingly (assuming that they are not the same (((Jews))) that are famous for their fuckery and elaborate mating rituals) inherit a universal hatred for your race, for sins THEIR fathers probably didn’t commit, now that a few of them have “woke up” in their own Jewy way and decided that being a paracist wasnt really worth it, in the End, you know. All who have ears, yea you get it.
Jews in world history (correct me if I am wrong) have never really been any good at working the land.. Until the zionists came around, Palestine (I guess) was a arid, very unlivable region. I don’t know, maybe palestenians suck at farming too, who cares, the point is the newfag Jews did soemthing very UN-Jew like, which is they actually IMPROVED an area. They did some newfag Jew magic and made farming and all that work where it didn’t before, and the population of the area, now that it had actually civilization going on, started to swell.
(((Jews))) do not do this.
(((They))) corrupt, whether land, nation, race, or religion, (((They’re))) MO is to be soul sucking little niggers.
You know who (((They))) follow Q.. you know who (((They))) are, and you know that they are not all newfag Jews.
It’s hard to tell, I know.
Zionist is a good sign, that theyre alright for a dirty Kike.
This is why I am Ok with Ben Shapiro, for example. Think I could get along with Ben Shapiro. Wouldn’t borrow money from him though, I said I’m not anti-seminic, not stupid. Am I doing it right Jesus….?)
So, another one of their nifty little bait and switch illusions, maybe starting to be unveiled?
Again, purely my own personal Opinion.
I could be way off on this.
But then again, that ridiculous over the top anti-semitic nonsense that was/is going on at POL was rather.. curious.
Anyways, like I said if I was wrong and you are not and have never been anti-semetic..
.oh no way, , ,! , ,me neither!