This may be a bit jumpy. Intuitive leaps, mostly.
Doing some research on the Christos Oil, and how the creator stated how the oil is released once a month when the moon is in a person's sun sign.
The oil is secreted by the Pineal gland.
We're in the Age of Aquarius.
"Age of Aquarius" the song by "5th dimension" (Yes, really - LOL)
Some of the lyrics are:
"…When the moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter is aligned with Mars…"
The 7th house in astrological charts deals with "relationships in the social/and community"
March 31st is the Full moon. Blue moon. Blue is for Aquarius.
What do others think regarding this oil and it's relation to the dates?
I'm praying for you all. There's been some awesome stuff on here in the last few days!