LuckyAnon ID: 84711a March 24, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.3697   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That stuff in brackets - that is some dude’s explanation for what he thinks the commandments of men are. Why would he explain it that way?

Say he is a ‘minister’, with a ‘flock’.

How does he benefit from giving these dictates to those who choose to receive them?

No soul immortality? No free will?

How would people conduct themselves if they believed these were ‘false doctrines’?

Wouldn’t they work extra hard to be ‘good’ in order to impress their minister who claims to be the only one with the truth?

Wouldn’t they obey blindly what that minister told them, thinking it came from God?

Wouldn’t it lead them to servitude under that church doctrine?

Wouldn’t that be awesome for whoever led that church?

Oh yes. A whole crew to do your bidding, to work extra hard at it since it’s their only chance.

Wouldn’t that be a grand treat for a rampant Ego?

But then - what if one of your flock comes to you with a question about the many references to eternal life that are found in the Bible?

How do you explain that one, as an ego driven ‘shepherd’?

Why it’s simple. You either launch into a diatribe about evil and Satan in order to frighten them or you get a blank faraway stare and say ‘who can know the mysteries of God’ (subtext: certainly not you, blinded slave).

And that is why we are warned to beware of false prophets. Isn’t it?

LuckyAnon ID: 84711a The Wolf You Feed March 24, 2018, 2:22 p.m. No.3719   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This made me laugh. You're great, Wong. No seriously. Your thoughts make excellent reading.


I gotta clear the record on just a couple things here:

1) My paternal grandfather was full-on Jew, from the tribe of Levi. So I myself am quarter-dirty-kike. I honor my heritage and will never support any sort of anti-semitism. The Jews will always be my people, even though I don't choose to buy into their anti female views and world of oppressive rules.


2) Those weren't my words - I reposted a villigeidiot anon post because I thought anon had some great insights.


3) This 'anti-semitism' thing is starting to be swung around like a general clubbing tool, much like 'nazi' - to troll or beat down anyone who attempts to point out certain things. This, after all, is how propaganda works, isn't it. Social engineering at its finest.


Ok - so now that is all out of the way…


It's not DA JOOS!

It's not DER NAZIS!

It's not even the Zionists.


It's those who serve darkness believing it to be light.

Those who follow the false prophets and are led astray.

^^They are in all faiths, in all cultures, in all genders and in all walks of life.


That is why the divisions by genders, races, religions etc. end up doing so much damage to the collective human psyche.


That is also why the PTB invest soooooo much energy into creating and stoking all the division possible.


Because when everyone is fighting each other over manufactured differences, it creates THEIR ideal environment.

Because division makes us weak.

It makes us vulnerable.

It brings out the shadow side of everyone.

Hm. How about LOOSH? Does it generate more of that?


It's easy to see, if THEY love dat sweet sweet loosh, why THEY would want us to have maximal strife with maximum distress.



Who benefits from divisions along made-up lines?

Not We The People - we get decimated. Even the ones who end up on the winning side of any of those wars, still suffer consequences.

THEY do. They benefit hugely.


Anti Semitism

Democrats vs Republicans

Liberals vs Conservatives

Gender wars

Nazism and other communist-socialist factions

Race wars

Class divisions

Economic divisions (haves vs have-nots)

These are all tools to keep the flames of strife burning strong, while THEY harvest the spoils of war.

These are also tools to keep us blind to the nature of the TRUE ENEMY.

Who's the true enemy then?

We need to know who to fight against.

It's too easy to degrade into fighting the nearest soul who disagrees with us or who we think is wrong.


I'd postulate - the true enemy is anyone who serves the 'Prince of Darkness', in that they do not value life, or they seek absolute power over others at any cost. That's Macro scale.


In the micro scale - MY enemy is anyone who seeks to subvert or control my free will, by guile or by force.

How does Jesus tell us to treat our enemies?

He says to love your enemy.

do good to them that hate you

pray for them that despitefully use you.


He DOESNT say to roll over, to allow yourself to be used or to not defend yourself from harm.


So, back to the question of the Jews.

Thats pretty cool, about the newfag Jews. I didn't know that. It almost sounds like they combined strengths to make themselves stronger as a people. I admire that :)


When I think of the Jewish people, I think 'invictus'. Unconquered. Maligned and persecuted through history, they clung tight to their faith and their heritage, and the promises made to them by God. I think it has got to be nearing the time where they will be fully avenged. I also wonder if this is why the antisemitic sentiment has been rising to a fevered pitch lately…the devil knows he hath but a short time…

Now the question arises, what of them who profess to be Jews, and are not? Crypto jews I guess.

You don't necessarily need to be born of a bloodline to be a 'true Israelite'. Only to accept the promise given by God.


So the Jews who worship with the black cubes on their heads and follow Talmudic law (which btw is closely related to both sharia and common law - I'll save that one for another post lol) - they would be the 'false Jews' and end up suffering consequences for their evildoing.

What's their evildoing? Well, at the root of it, they oppress and attempt to destroy their fellow man.

I would argue that they are fighting the wrong enemy. Instead of seeking to root out evil, they seek to root out those who are not like minded. Thus misunderstanding the meaning of justice.


so in conclusion - it's the Jews but it's not, it's the nazis but it's not, it's the feminists but it's not, it's the democrats but it's not…okay I will stop there. LOL.


TL:DR it's the evil, you guys. That is our true enemy, and the one we must stand against.

Oppression and injustice everywhere. This is what we fight. This is why we're here.

LuckyAnon ID: 84711a March 24, 2018, 2:46 p.m. No.3721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3723 >>3776


>How do you know when God or lucifer is speaking in the scriptures?


That question has been bugging me for a while now.

"I the Lord thy God am a jealous god". Lucifer, right?

"God is Love…love envies not…" That, on the other hand - would be God.


One must perceive the message to understand the difference. This is why bible thumping out of context can be dangerous.


Much like that old canard 'Money is the root of all evil!!! Bible sez it' says the broke minister.


Ah, nope. Check it:

1 Timothy 6:10 King James Version (KJV)

10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.


Actually, it is the pursuing of money at the expense of your faith, that brings pain and sorrow. Not the money itself.


This is where Having the ears to hear comes in.

hEARing from the hEARt (love that AntMan)


As to whether the Christos oil is good or bad to try and access, I thought it through and conclude that it is of light, of good and of God because:

It is a natural part of our physical bodies, which are created by God, in his image.

The process by which it is accessed harms no living thing.

No blood sacrifices are required to access it.

Unless you count the death of Jesus as a blood sacrifice.

But we already accept that as His gift to us, to open the way for us to have eternal life.

How does it open the way to eternal life?

Might it be through this Christos oil?

If so, then my conclusion is that this is something worthy of pursuing :)

LuckyAnon ID: 84711a While researching Christos oil... March 25, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.3779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3793 >>3805


I came upon this fascinating theory that makes a ton of sense!


Cannabis and the Christ: Jesus used Marijuana


are those cannabis plants? (pic related)

LuckyAnon ID: 84711a Down with Christmas? March 25, 2018, 3:09 p.m. No.3782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3807


Most interdasting.


So - God doesn't want our holy gifts (since they are His to begin with.

But the devil DOES want those gifts very very much. As he would, since he wants to BE god.


This is why all the romanticizing and commercializing of christmas?

This is why the tradition of presents under the tree?

It coincides with the winter solstice when the daylight time is at its shortest, and stays nearly the same for 3 days.

Santa claus brings gifts to 'good' children and coal to 'naughty' children.

Either way, santa claus takes your spiritual gifts.


Now I understand why some religions do not celebrate Christmas.


Now I understand why the santa claus thing has always made me uncomfortable for reasons I could never explain.

(not sure I can explain it now without being called crazy, except here to my best friend anons)


Ah well. I'd rather be called crazy than ignorant :)